Hi Benjamin,
Incidently, what about UDP messages? What part of H.323 uses those (e.g. the RTPPortRange below)? Won't this fail regardless of any proxy, since B1 will never receive them?
H.323 normally uses UDP for RAS messages (no problem because they go just to and from the GK), RTP (the actual voice packets), and RTCP (media statistics and control info). I had assumed that gnugk would proxy (relay) the RTP/RTCP packets, but see below.
In a previous post you said:
- NAT for A1 is provided by my Debian box, A2, with iptables. I control A2, and have installed the Debian (unstable) gnu-gk package.
I assume that A2 has two physical NICs, one on a public IP and one on a LAN with private addressing, to which A1 is also connected. Please elaborate if this is not completely true.
Ports forwarded to A2:
TCP 1718-1731 TCP 30000-30020 UDP 5000-5010 UDP 1719-1720
I'm not sure what you mean. If A2 is directly on the Internet, it should not need any forwarding. If you're forwarding ports *through* A2 to A1, using iptables, that would conflict with doing the proxying in gnugk; try removing them all.
When B1 registers, the RCF message on the console should show both the private and public addresses. If you see only the public, it means that the B1 NAT is messing with the H.323. In that case, see if CallSignalPort=1720 helps.
If still no joy, register an endpoint that is on a public IP, and see if B1 can call it.
Good luck,
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