It is not possible for gnugk to call a NetMeeting or other standard H.323 client that is behind a NAT without forwarded ports.
If it is acceptable for calls to always be originated by B1, it should be possible to make your setup work. Post your config file and trace output when calling from B1 to A1.
That would be acceptable, we can always "arrange" calls beforehand.
However, this has not worked so far. I've used the config file outlined below below. Both A1 and B1 connect to the GK on A2, this shows up in the GK output and on both NetMeetings. Both NMs also know that the other exists. But the error is still that the other side "cannot accept calls".
If someone sees an error in my setup or configuration, please tell me. I won't post any output traces yet, since chances are my setup as such is flawed, and the traces would just waste bandwidth.
Incidently, what about UDP messages? What part of H.323 uses those (e.g. the RTPPortRange below)? Won't this fail regardless of any proxy, since B1 will never receive them?
If B1 needs to be able to receive calls, you could set up a VPN tunnel from B1 to A2. The NetMeeting clients should then be able to call each other directly without a GK, or via your gnugk. You could also use a SIP solution such as FWD http://www.pulver.com/fwd/ , or an IAX solution http://www.asterisk.org/ . There are some commercial H.323 implementations (using non-standard GK and clients) that can call an endpoint behind a closed NAT.
This sounds like something useful, but as I said, we can assume the closed-off endpoint inisializes the calls, so this might be overkill for our limited purposes.
As for the sjphone suggestion: we're mostly interested in the video side, not audio/VOIP, but thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks though, Benjamin
Ports forwarded to A2:
TCP 1718-1731 TCP 30000-30020 UDP 5000-5010 UDP 1719-1720
gatekeeper.ini follows:
[Gatekeeper::Main] Fourtytwo=42
[RoutedMode] GKRouted=1 AcceptUnregisteredCalls=1 SupportNATedEndpoints=1 H245PortRange=30000-30010 Q931PortRange=30011-30020
[RasSvr::ARQFeatures] CallUnregisteredEndpoints=1
[Proxy] Enable=1 RTPPortRange=5000-5010
[GkStatus::Auth] rule=allow
[Gatekeeper::Auth] default=allow
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