I have different computer (2) in my local net and other (4) in internet the 4 ones are with dynamic ip so I need a gatekeper to find when I want to call then.
I have too dynamic ip but smothwall resolve it with the help of hn.org.
You may be able to work your network without a GK, by using dynamic DNS for all the endpoints. If hn.org is "full", try dyndns.org. The only restriction will be that only one machine behind your smoothwall will be able to receive calls. If you use clients that can specify ports other than 1720 for signaling, you should be able to avoid that problem.
If you decide that you really need a GK, try to find someone with a static IP to host it. Dynamic IP is a problem, because if the GK address changes, any calls in progress will be dropped. Worse, most endpoints won't resolve the GK host name again when they attempt to reregister, and the endpoints will have to be restarted to get things going again.
If you still want to put a GK on a dynamic IP, I think that your desired configuration can be made to work, but it would be much simpler if you could first test with the client and GK on different machines on your LAN. If it still fails because the RCF packets have bad checksums, it will at least be easy to see where the corruption occurs. If it works, then you can look at why it fails when the client is on the GK machine.
Good luck,
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