Etienne Gagnon wrote: >Hi Dalibor, > >You just managed to ... > Thanks guys for making my inbox more interesting. I'd go read the harmony mailing lists but I'm pretty sure something over there would tick me off. I'm not following Harmony too closely (so let me talk out my ... a moment) but let me see if I understand it so far. Harmony is: 1) Writing their own class libraries (based on email about japi comparisons) 2) Writing their own JVM (which I think is based in some part on one of the current JVMs, but ok, sure, everyone seems to write one eventually) 3) Writing their own test suite (because Mauve doesn't use junit and has a different license, but I think that's going to be fixed) Where's the harmony? Please tell me Classpath isn't going to be left standing at the altar while Harmony elopes? Brian