Re: Alexandre Prokoudine attacks on GIMP critics around the Web

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Fair enough. I guess people (total of 3 different people) that PMed me are
dicks, too.

On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 16:59 C R <cajhne@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> Everything started because I was called a "backseat viewer", and
>> therefore not allowed to say that scheduled releases are good. After that I
>> was replying to that attitude, and not about whether rolling releases are
>> better (which I had an extremely open mind about).
> You said all sorts of things, made all sorts of assumptions. He's not
> wrong about that. You were complaining about things that are factually
> wrong, then when told you were wrong about those things, you got upset...
> like way upset. :)
>> The message you quoted is way after things started going bad.
> That bit seemed pretty civil up until that statement. Redit makes it hard
> to tell, I just followed the first path I found. If you came back later to
> continue the rant at that point it all says "5 days ago". But whatever.
>> As for your comparison with Starbucks, I don't abuse Starbucks employees
>> and neither I abuse GIMP's staff.
> You're not complaining about your coffee, you're complaining on what day
> the coffee is getting better, and implying that GIMP doesn't listen to
> their users (to which Alex rightly pointed out that all the 2.10 stuff
> users asked for was done).
> Making negative assumptions about GIMP developers is abusive, especially
> in a community you don't know anything about. GIMP is community maintained
> software, and Alex has been a part of that community for ages. So yes, you
> will find that he knows much more than you do about the inner workings of
> GIMP. He's on #gimp all the time and is helpful in lots of ways as an
> active part of the community. You'd do well to listen, take the criticism,
> and work on your own communication skills before jumping in and demanding
> that no one hurt your feelers, because I don't see you trying very hard to
> control your own temper in these threads.
>> I also don't care about harsh words, I'm not a little snowflake.
> You should. It's community software. Leveling abuse at volunteers trying
> to make better software for you for free is kind of a dick move.
>> I just want to know if GIMP is represented by Alexandre like he implies,
>> and if the GIMP team is OK with attacking newbies and critics of GIMP
>> saying they're backseat drivers that are not worth listening to and not
>> worth explaining things.
> You were not attacked. You were corrected. Show us how much you're not a
> snowflake and be a bit civil yourself.
>> I'm not the only one who shares the view that in GIMP there is this
>> attitude of "if you didn't make it, you're not allowed to talk bad about
>> it".
> Nowhere did anyone keep you from talking about it. Not on Reddit, and not
> on this mailing list.
> If that's the culture at GIMP, I'm not gonna cry. Just say it.
> Be nice, and you can expect the same in most circumstances. That's not
> just GIMP culture, that's life in general.
> -C
>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 16:00 C R <cajhne@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> From a third party perspective, this is where things kicked off in the
>>> thread:
>>> "I didn't say you didn't include any features users ask for, I was just
>>> justifying me complaining.
>>> Why do you guys have to get so pissy so quickly, is it GIMP's code that
>>> makes you that, or you have to pass a "constantly-pissed-off" exam to
>>> become a GIMP dev?
>>> Jesus..."
>>> What baffles me is why people start ranting on forums, making all sorts
>>> of wrong assumptions about GIMP dev motivations, and then expect everyone
>>> involved to stumble over themselves trying to please them.
>>> This is not Starbucks - Abuse of staff will not go unchallenged. :)
>>> Frankly, I'm astounded at Alexandre's restraint.
>>> Just an outsider's perspective.
>>> -C
>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 2:01 PM Alexandre Prokoudine via
>>> gimp-developer-list <gimp-developer-list@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 4:48 PM Niccolo Brogi <nkkollaw@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Regarding CCing people, my thread hasn't been approved, so I don't
>>>> know if
>>>> > people can read it.
>>>> >
>>>> > Regarding the rest, you don't have to present exhibits, we're not in
>>>> > court. I'm giving you feedback about your behavior as someone who
>>>> > represents the whole team (unless I got your pronuons wrong, you keep
>>>> > saying "we"--possibly to give authority to your arguments--and you
>>>> > misrepresent yourself as a developer of GIMP).
>>>> >
>>>> I have never claimed to be developer of GIMP, publicly or privately --
>>>> you
>>>> have zero proof of your claim. I actually correct people when they call
>>>> me
>>>> a developer, and I have enough verifiable proof of that.
>>>> If you think that continuos piling of factually wrong statements will
>>>> help
>>>> your cause, I suggest you rethink your stategy.
>>>> > Take this feedback however you want. So can the rest of the team, but
>>>> > considering you've been speaking on their behalf it's important that
>>>> they
>>>> > know what you're doing and that people aren't happy. If your behavior
>>>> is
>>>> > appropriate for someone who represents the team, good to know. If
>>>> it's not,
>>>> > don't speak on behalf of everyone else and at that point you can be
>>>> as much
>>>> > of an asshole as you want with both newbies and people who disagree
>>>> with
>>>> > you.
>>>> >
>>>> I will have to point out that name-calling, which you once again went
>>>> for,
>>>> is not welcome on our mailing lists as per code of conduct:
>>>> "Please make sure that you add value to the discussion, avoid repetitive
>>>> arguments, flamewars, trolling, and ____personal attacks____."
>>>> Please consider rethinking your interaction here.
>>>> Good day to you.
>>>> Alex
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 14:28 Alexandre Prokoudine <
>>>> > alexandre.prokoudine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 3:46 PM Niccolo Brogi <nkkollaw@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> OK. If you're bad at talking to people (since people come with
>>>> >>> misconceptions although you could easily change that), as someone
>>>> who
>>>> >>> doesn't only speak for himself, you should just not talk to people.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> It's also not just me,  many people have the same problem with you.
>>>> I
>>>> >>> guess it's you against the world.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Let's see if the rest of the team is aware of your behavior, and
>>>> --in
>>>> >>> case they have the courage to approve my message or at least
>>>> reply--if they
>>>> >>> approve of it (BTW, why don't you CC them, if you are so sure your
>>>> behavior
>>>> >>> is OK?).
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I don't need to CC people who are already subscribed to the mailing
>>>> lists
>>>> >> you posted to. This is how mailing lists essentially work: people get
>>>> >> emails sent to those list.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> I have thick skin (mind you, some people that have messeged me
>>>> don't as
>>>> >>> much, and are still upset about your attacks and were in tears),
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Oh yes, about that. The allegations. Since there have been only two
>>>> other
>>>> >> problematic cases with users in the past week, I'm confident I can
>>>> pinpoint
>>>> >> the relevant threads.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Exhibit A:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> >>> A day or two ago I dared criticize GIMP [...] and that alexlg guy
>>>> >> came off the ropes so hard I was literally in tears over it. Just
>>>> wanted to
>>>> >> tell you how validating it was to see you jousting over the exact
>>>> same
>>>> >> ground with him just a few days earlier.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> This is this very thread:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> There was a quite justified complaint that text layers are hard to
>>>> use in
>>>> >> GIMP, which I readily agreed with. Nevertheless, this user came to
>>>> say that
>>>> >> lack of maturity of that feature is present because of GIMP team's
>>>> "mindset
>>>> >> of "you don't need it" and "we don't like it"". The harshest thing I
>>>> said
>>>> >> in response was point out evidence of the contrary, then saying
>>>> "Facts...
>>>> >> Always such an inconvenient thing, isn't it? :)".
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I'd love to see here the cause of alleged tears or coming hard off
>>>> the
>>>> >> ropes.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> And Exhibit B:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> >>> [...] He even went so far as to mention me by name in another
>>>> thread
>>>> >> entirely, basically calling me a whiny baby, once enough people had
>>>> >> dogpiled that he was forced to slightly change his stance on
>>>> something.
>>>> >> Even if you win, you lose...
>>>> >>
>>>> >> This is this very thread:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Essentially, someone got steamed up because of having to spend
>>>> shocking 3
>>>> >> minutes on "wading through a sea of jargon, buzzwords, mansplaining,
>>>> and
>>>> >> patting yourselves on the back" which is how this person
>>>> characterized the
>>>> >> official 2.10.8 announcement.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> "mention me by name in another thread entirely" is actually about the
>>>> >> very same thread --
>>>> >>
>>>> >> -- about the very same topic: providing a shorter list of changes
>>>> between
>>>> >> versions.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> And here is the "basically calling me a whiny baby" quote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> "I don't see any way in Gitlab to view all files at the time of
>>>> tagging a
>>>> >> release, but I'm not sure if having to scroll through changes for
>>>> the next
>>>> >> version first [in an updated NEWS file] would give anyone a heart
>>>> attack,
>>> >> save for our friend /u/Unchayned <>
>>>> >> here."
>>>> >>
>>>> >> There are facts, and then there are interpretations. I don't think
>>>> our
>>>> >> interpretations will ever match, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Alex
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> and I don't care what you say and do if you take responsibility for
>>>> your
>>>> >>> actions-- which you have to do since you not only speak for
>>>> yourself only,
>>>> >>> but for other people as well.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2018, 13:22 Alexandre Prokoudine <
>>>> >>> alexandre.prokoudine@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> Hi Niccolo,
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> There is a certain thing I'm rather horrible at - trying to a have
>>>> a
>>>> >>>> conversation with people who come with preconceptions about
>>>> something they
>>>> >>>> are not qualified to make judgments of and unwilling to learn
>>>> before
>>>> >>>> drawing conclusions.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> When stumbling upon your message that by not setting dates to
>>>> releases
>>>> >>>> we tell users to "f*** off" (which you later edited away), I
>>>> should have
>>>> >>>> kept my mouth shut. Nor should I have replied to your continuos
>>>> verbal
>>>> >>>> abuse containing expletives.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> I am truly and genuinely sorry about that.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Alexandre
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> чт, 15 нояб. 2018 г., 14:48 Niccolo Brogi <nkkollaw@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>> Hello.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> TLDR:
>>>> >>>>> Alexandre attacks GIMP critics around the internet implying that
>>>> he's
>>>> >>>>> a developer of GIMP and represents GIMP, using language and doing
>>>> things
>>>> >>>>> that are completely inappropriate for his (self-proclaimed?)
>>>> role, which
>>>> >>>>> makes the whole GIMP team look like crap for no reason.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> FULL:
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> A little bit of a backstory (which you can skip if in a hurry):
>>>> I've
>>>> >>>>> had a couple of unpleasant exchanges with Alexandre. Our latest
>>>> exchange is
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> from the Reddit thread at
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> While it started innocently enough, it quickly turned nasty. What
>>>> triggered
>>>> >>>>> Alexandre was my opinion that scheduled releases are better than
>>>> random
>>>> >>>>> ones, because people like IT administrators might have to upgrade
>>>> hundreds
>>>> >>>>> of computers, and being able to plan for that is nice. I think he
>>>> >>>>> understood I claimed the GIMP development team could and should
>>>> refactor
>>>> >>>>> GIMP to GTK3 and release in 6 months (which I never said).
>>>> Regardless,
>>>> >>>>> instead of saying "ah, no GIMP is better with rolling release
>>>> because, bla
>>>> >>>>> bla bla..." he started attacking me personally--basically saying
>>>> that I had
>>>> >>>>> no right to say that because I'm not a GIMP developer (but
>>>> neither is he
>>>> >>>>> more on that later). A missed opportunity to learn something:
>>>> just because
>>>> >>>>> of his tone, the discussion deviated from that and got uncivil,
>>>> which is
>>>> >>>>> what I observed always happens with him when he exchanges ideas
>>>> with people
>>>> >>>>> that have unapproved opinions.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> I tend to be blunt and ignore political correctness. Add that to
>>>> >>>>> perhaps getting passionate or even emotional about stuff, and to
>>>> be honest
>>>> >>>>> sometimes I do get harsh replies and have to rephrase things I
>>>> didn't say
>>>> >>>>> nicely enough. However, exchanges with Alexandre are a totally
>>>> different
>>>> >>>>> beast.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Why? A while after posting the comments I talked about above I
>>>> started
>>>> >>>>> getting PMs of "solidarity" from other users that Alexandre
>>>> attacked around
>>>> >>>>> Reddit. For instance, I was given permission to include:
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> >>> A day or two ago I dared criticize GIMP [...] and that alexlg
>>>> guy
>>>> >>>>> came off the ropes so hard I was literally in tears over it. Just
>>>> wanted to
>>>> >>>>> tell you how validating it was to see you jousting over the exact
>>>> same
>>>> >>>>> ground with him just a few days earlier.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Another message:
>>>> >>>>> >>> [...] He even went so far as to mention me by name in another
>>>> >>>>> thread entirely, basically calling me a whiny baby, once enough
>>>> people had
>>>> >>>>> dogpiled that he was forced to slightly change his stance on
>>>> something.
>>>> >>>>> Even if you win, you lose...
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Because he implies that he's a GIMP developer--by saying stuff
>>>> like
>>>> >>>>> "oh, you don't develop GIMP, you can't say anything bad about
>>>> it", or using
>>>> >>>>> "we" in connection with the GIMP dev team (with the word "dev"
>>>> being
>>>> >>>>> important here)--he seems to get some sympathy from fellow users,
>>>> because
>>>> >>>>> what kind of piece of shit attacks volunteers that create awesome
>>>> free
>>>> >>>>> stuff for people (which I agree with). It really upset me when I
>>>> found out
>>>> >>>>> that he's not at developer at all, but contributes in
>>>> non-technical ways.
>>>> >>>>> This is bad not only because I can excuse his attitude from a
>>>> developer but
>>>> >>>>> not from someone that writes articles on Facebook while
>>>> pretending to be a
>>>> >>>>> developer to please his ego, but because he doesn't get banned
>>>> from
>>>> >>>>> communities just because he implies that he's in the dev team.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> I think that if Alexandre's job is to "market" GIMP, not only he's
>>>> >>>>> doing a horrible job, but he's being detrimental to the project.
>>>> It's easy
>>>> >>>>> to relate to people that agree with you, they're already
>>>> passionate GIMP
>>>> >>>>> users! Those that have some kind of issues are the ones to really
>>>> talk to,
>>>> >>>>> because you can explain things to them and since GIMP is an
>>>> awesome project
>>>> >>>>> you can change their mind or make them more informed, and turn a
>>>> critic
>>>> >>>>> into a passionate GIMP user (or even evangelist). In addition,
>>>> pretending
>>>> >>>>> to be in the dev team is good for his ego, but really bad for the
>>>> dev team,
>>>> >>>>> since it just gives the impression that GIMP devs are entitiled
>>>> assholes.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> I'm aware that this email might not only fail to help stop
>>>> Alexandre
>>>> >>>>> from attacking people, but also cause more attacks towards me
>>>> since I would
>>>> >>>>> assume you sympathize with him, but so be it. Maybe (just maybe)
>>>> you guys
>>>> >>>>> are not aware of what's going on and don't actually agree with
>>>> this
>>>> >>>>> behavior, and (just maybe) you can get Alexandre to change his
>>>> >>>>> attitude into one that is more productive and appropriate for
>>>> someone who
>>>> >>>>> either does or claims to represent the GIMP team.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>>> Niccolo.
>>>> >>>>> --
>>>> >>>>> Niccolo.
>>>> >>>>>
>>>> >>>> --
>>>> >>> Niccolo.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >> --
>>>> > Niccolo.
>>>> >
>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> gimp-developer-list mailing list
>>>> List address:    gimp-developer-list@xxxxxxxxx
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>>> --
>> Niccolo.
> --
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