On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 21:01:28 -0400,
"Justin W. Flory" <jflory7@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
For this reason, as the maintainer of the Games Spin, I added you to
the FAS group and also made you an administrator.
What were you thinking of controlling with that group?
We were discussing in the channel earlier some games "on the radar"
that could be included in Fedora. Some of those idling around had
ideas for games or even game engines that may be worth pushing for
inclusion in Fedora. It might be worth comparing lists of ideas you
have along with some of the new ones in channel.
I've occasionally added some to the wish list. The recent change in
restrictions in emulators could allow some that couldn't be in Fedora
in the past.
For reference, are there a list of these games or a rough idea of
where to look for games that are already packaged, but need support?
It would be useful to have a list of these games so we can either try
to find ways of improving support for the game (possibly by trying to
work with upstream) or coming with other ideas or ways.
I would guess most of them. Hans seems to have more than he has time for.
I have too many, to do a good job on them all and will add any current
packager as a co-maintainer for any I am the contact for. Not all games
are marked as such in comps, but you could look for the ones that are and
have bugs indicating there are upstream updates that aren't in Fedora. That
would get some to start with.
Other distros are also a good resource, both for finding games and for
help with packaging issues.
games mailing list