On 06/22/2012 01:16 PM, Ralf Ertzinger wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 10:28:14 +0200, Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
And instead of making the system adapt to system problems (inhibit
reboot during updates) we're making the user adapt to system problems
(add forced reboots were they were none before??)
Inhibiting reboots? I cannot wait to see how well that one will go down.
Well, there is difference between inhibited reboot and "are you really
sure you want to reboot and break your system" questions.
Anyway, what would happen when user press power button or
ctrl-alt-delete in yum-update-in-extra-target case? Would it
shutdown/reboot (breaking the system) or would it ignore the request?
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