Okay, before the flames begin...I've already tried emailing owner@xxxxxxxxxx without response (figure it's probably overloaded with spam or whatever, making it difficult to monitor). Thus why I'm even posting here ;-) Maybe I'm alone, but I subscribe to the list to be delivered in Daily Digest format. This is to keep the inbox under control and other personal reasons. Lately with the recent increase in list activity (good thing BTW), we're getting multiple digest emails every day (Tuesday was 9 "daily digests") kind of defeating the definition and purpose of the "daily digest" to begin with. Only going to increase as the list traffic increases. Can this be dialed down to say 1 email a day or maybe 2? Say a digest every 12 hours during heavy list activity? Heck even 3 max, every 8 hours would be better than the current deluge at times. Kind of curious how others feel about this (if anyone cares, grin) and if others using the "daily digest" mailings feel the same as I do? Not trying to stir up anything, just curious if there is a setting that could be tweaked on the mailing list to make the daily digest a daily digest again. Thanks JT