Tony Baechler here. I did this with my DECtalk Express and grub quite a long
time ago. Download this file and put it in /etc/default/ on Debian-based
systems. Run update-grub and reboot. It should come up talking at the boot
prompt before Linux starts.
On 4/27/2017 7:17 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Saying a serial console is not kernel dependent is inaccurate and
misleading. The part that displays the kernel boot messages is absolutely
kernel dependent. I think you mean that you can get messages even earlier
by, as a seperate step, configuring a serial console in the boot loader,
right? And that is a good point. Although, you can also configure those
messages to go to a serial synth and hear them as well. I don't know if that
works with all serial synths but I know it works with a doubletalk LT and a
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