Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

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Tony Baechler here.

Kyle, first, from a different post, I have no feelings about Arch. I don't know if they care about accessibility or not. I would think if they do, they would make Talking Arch official, but there are probably technical issues. Why they can't do like Slackware, Debian and Ubuntu, I don't know. Even a total novice can press the letter "s" and Enter to start speech. As you say, RH, Ubuntu and probably others have Alt-Super-S. There is no reason why Arch can't do something similar. Better yet, adopt Talking Arch as an official flavor and produce monthly images automatically along with the regular Arch, eliminating the need for you to do it.

Second, you're right. I apologize. I was in a hurry. After rereading your post, no, you didn't say RH hosted Orca. I very much doubt that RH made that much effort to make their installer accessible, but I don't use it. They do say that Fedora is accessible now, but I haven't looked at it in years. At the time I went distro shopping last, Debian worked and Fedora didn't, so that was that. That was around 2007. Gentoo didn't have a special talking image either. It had Speakup built into the same kernel used by everyone else. All you did is pass the speakup.synth parameter. Gentoo wasn't for the novice and I wouldn't place it in the same category as Ubuntu. I have no idea of the state of Gentoo anymore.

Finally, no, Speakup isn't my beloved by any means. I tried yasr and I couldn't get it to work. Speakup with hardware speech is the only means of hearing every boot message. Nothing in user space can do that. Can you put Fenrir in the initrd? Oh, you can't? Well, no speech for you if your system crashes or doesn't boot. I can't tell you how many times Speakup saved my bacon when my system stopped at the initramfs prompt. Why can't you put Fenrir in the initrd? Simply because you need a boatload of drivers for your sound card, ESpeak, libespeak and who knows what else. That bloats the initrd and it won't fit into memory. Unless, of course, Fenrir supports serial synths. I've never heard of it, but I want to try it! I actually think user space generally makes good sense for everyday use and on desktops. For servers, you really need to know what's going on from boot to shutdown.

As I understand it, it isn't the fault of Speakup that it took so long to get to staging and is still there. The kernel developers were absolutely opposed to including it and wouldn't help at all. I've read a message from them saying as much. They were approached many times. Development died more or less because it couldn't go any further. Without support from the kernel upstream, it couldn't be part of the source and couldn't keep up with developments. It's a miracle that it finally landed in staging. As you rightly say, it took many years, far longer than it should have. I don't blame Kirk and the others. Again, this is another great example of why we need a nonprofit. I'm not really about the blind community getting together and demanding change in most cases, but nothing is going to get done otherwise. Speakup is a prime example. Without developer interest, it can never meet kernel upstream standards.

As an aside, the reason why I only focus on getting the blind to try Linux as opposed to everyone is for the above reasons. The more blind people we can get, even if they aren't power users or coders, the louder voice we have. As others have pointed out, stuff gets done with Windows companies. Apple has VoiceOver. Not much gets done with most Linux upstreams unless they really go out of their way to accomodate us poor blind folks. It shouldn't be that way! Most of them have never heard of us and have no idea what we need, how to help or what to do.

On 4/24/2017 5:40 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
I said absolutely nothing of Red Hat hosting Orca. I said they ship it with
the distribution, which they are not at all obligated to do, as proven by
the fact that Linux Mint didn't come with Orca in the live environment for a
very long time. As for Speakup, it has never been fully ready for prime time
up to now, and there are very good reasons why it is still stuck in the
staging tree. If you want to talk about too little too late, then I would
talk of Speakup, which is only recently getting its act together enough to
hopefully make it out of staging and into the stable kernel tree, maybe in
the next couple of years if we're lucky. Meanwhile, we have a very nice
package called Fenrir, which has taken the screen reader completely out of
the kernel, putting it fully in userspace where it belongs. Perhaps this
will address the issue of speech from a text only environment much better
than Speakup ever could, as it can not only work on kernels without staging
enabled, but it will also eventually be far more portable to things like
FreeBSD, which has never had even a proof of concept kernel-based screen
reader, and has up to now required ssh in order to get it to do anything for
those of us who need speech output.

Regarding installer accessibility, I have used quite a few installers, and
Red Hat was one of the first major vendors to ship an installer that while
not accessible by direct methods e.g. via speech on the machine where the OS
was to be installed, did come with a method of gaining access to the
installation terminal via telnet, and also had kickstart files that could be
used in place of the on-screen system. Of course Speakup had to be used via
Speakup Modified, and before that, the kernel had to be patched, but I
wouldn't call that not caring by any stretch. Once the graphical environment
started becoming usable, Red Hat, now called Fedora, was already shipping
Orca in its repositories, and they were one of the first to include the
quite new at the time Espeak, which was far more responsive than Festival,
and all the other distros soon followed. I'm not sure where in the world you
have come to the conclusion that Red Hat simply doesn't care about
accessibility. Is it because your beloved Speakup, which is stuck in the
staging tree for more than 3 years now still isn't enabled in the Fedora
kernel? Sorry, but it's way past time to look elsewhere for text mode screen
reading to something that isn't locked into a kernel. No other screen reader
is bound to a kernel, and there are excellent reasons that go far deeper
than accessibility for disabling staging in a vendor kernel. Rather than
complaining that a distro vendor doesn't enable a potentially insecure
and/or unstable part of its kernel so that we can have a screen reader in
text mode, those who use text mode on a regular basis and need a screen
reader for it need to either learn how to muck about in the Linux kernel
itself so that the screen reader can get out of staging and into the kernel
proper, or better yet, contribute to Fenrir development, where everything
goes on in userspace and the screen reader only relies on interfaces to
stable and well-tested parts of the kernel that are never disabled in any
distro or vendor kernel. If Red Hat decides not to accept a Fenrir package,
then and only then can we begin to arrive at the conclusion that maybe
perhaps they don't give a care for accessibility.

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