Tony Baechler here.
Are you sure you mean grub and not beep or sox? I would think grub exits
after passing control to the running kernel. My machine doesn't have an
internal speaker, so I use sox to play a beep. I found that even if a
machine has a speaker, it can be hard to hear. I created a custom startup
sound for my live CD, but due to some bug I haven't figured out, it doesn't
play on boot anymore.
Regarding WP, try wp-cli. My guess is your database wasn't upgraded after
doing a WordPress upgrade. If you use wp-cli, you can do everything from new
installs to setting up multiple sites from the command line. It's a lot
easier than firing up a browser.
On 4/26/2017 6:27 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote:
Maybe you could do it with a USB headset. The IAVIT wordpress site,, has been down for a while. I just got it working again
last night. Lets see if we can get this working and post it there.
I have howtos on my space on on how to build a kernel patched
for hardware synths and on how to get grub to play a tune at boot time. The
boot time tune thing is pretty cool because I have a lot of machines in my
office and I can tell which one has finished rebooting by the tune it plays.
PS: I was getting the so-called "white screen of death" from wordpress. I
did everything on the wordpress "How to fix the white screen of death" page
but it didn't help. I finally totally reinstalled.
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