Yeah, I see that the NFB is only about 10 years late to the party. Main
Menu on ACB Radio had a learning Linux tutorial in 2000.
Why not just set up a virtual machine with Qemu or VirtualBox? That's a lot
easier than trying to find another machine, besides you won't need a mixer
to record the audio from the new install since you won't have audio editing
software on the new machine right away.
On 3/4/2013 7:59 AM, Doug Smith wrote:
I am not sure. I guess I will create the audio from a step-by-step process,
but I can create a written version as well. As soon as I get another machine
over here so I can start another install, I will start on it.
The National Federation will probably be very interested in this technology,
because they have worked only with window$ until recently when mac got voice
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