The pc weasel has a serial port on it. You must attach another computer to the port and run a terminal emulation program that will emulate a vt100 terminal. I use an old 486 running dos, commo 7.8 and jaws for dos with an accent sa as my synthesizer. I am sure you could also use windows as well with hyperterm if that is its name. The pc weasel also has a key board port. you attach a supplied cable from the pc weasel keyport to the keyboard port on your pc where theyou have installed the pc weasel. phil On Fri, Mar 15, 2002 at 11:57:43PM -0600, Brent Harding wrote: > Well, how else besides sighted help can one use besides this device? Does > this device talk, or does it make it so I'd hook a synth up to a serial > port built in and do things that way.