[quoted lines by Brian Tew on March 16, 2002, at 08:38] Hi: >My jobs will not suspend with control z. Use "stty -a" to query your settings, and check what "susp" is set to. >However, telnet will suspend with control right bracket and z. Control-right-bracket is all that's necessary to suspend telnet. What I mean by this is that it suspends the session and returns you to telnet command mode. You can change this setting with telnet's "escape" command. >When i try to suspend anything except telnet, it says >"cannot suspend on a shell without job control." > >The enable command says fg and bg are enabled. >I am using bash right now. >How can I make the shell have job control? It's hard, for sure, to know what your problem is. I believe you said you were using an old system. This may be your problem. The bash man page says: If the operating system on which bash is running supports job control, bash allows you to use it. -- Dave Mielke | 2213 Fox Crescent | I believe that the Bible is the Phone: 1-613-726-0014 | Ottawa, Ontario | Word of God. Please contact me EMail: dave@mielke.cc | Canada K2A 1H7 | if you're concerned about Hell. http://familyradio.com