Not putting alt tags on things that are actually important to conveying the message is a very bad thing (Trademark, patent pending). It means people don't know what is there. Some browsers will try to guess, but it is a pretty third-rate solution when the author could often have done a first-rate job. Where the image is not doing anything except taking space, I would advise people to put alt="". This is becuase browsers aren't sure whether they need to try and repair images or not based on any good criteria - either they will add hints for all images, or just images that are used for links (problem if there is an image that conveys information but isn't a link), or will not try to do anything. So if you do this well-made but basic browsers won't put anything like "foo.gif" or "none" all over the page where it is unnecessary. (Thanks for taking time to make stuff accessible - it is important to lots of people who might not seem to need it as well as people who do) cheers Charles McCN On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Karl Dahlke wrote: > I don't use alt tags in my web pages. I agree with Andor. If the image is just for pretty, don't bother. But if it's a clickable icon, a link or submit button, put an alt= description in. If you don't, my browser is a little smarter than lynx. It looks at the file name you are linking to and shows me the tail of that. If an image links to, then I'll read {shopping} I won't even know it was an image, but I'll realize there is a link there, and I have a good idea what it's for. Course this strategy doesn't always help. Sometimes the linked file ends in index.html, and then all I get is {index} Maybe in this case I should back up and present the directory name?? Well it wouldn't be necessary if everyone used alt= on linking images. Thanks for taking the time to make your site accessible to all. We do appreciate it. Karl _______________________________________________ -- Charles McCathieNevile phone: +61 409 134 136 W3C Web Accessibility Initiative fax: +1 617 258 5999 Location: 21 Mitchell street FOOTSCRAY Vic 3011, Australia (or W3C INRIA, Route des Lucioles, BP 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France)