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- [perl-Template-Provider-Encoding] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-File-Flat] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Git-CPAN-Patch] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-API-Peek] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MooseX-MarkAsMethods] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Module-Install-GithubMeta] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Data-Visitor] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Module-Install] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Perl-Critic-Deprecated] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-Component-SSLify] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-MinimumVersion] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Math-Random-MT-Auto] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Email-MIME] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-CGI-Application-Structured-Tools] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Class-DBI-FromCGI] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-Component-Child] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Net-SSLGlue] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MooseX-Traits] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-YAML-Tiny] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Kwiki-ModPerl] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-XML-TokeParser] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Algorithm-CurveFit] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Kwiki-Search] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 723202] po4a fails to run in Rawhide: undefined symbol: Perl_Gthr_key_ptr
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTML-FormFu] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Carp-Assert-More] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Class-DBI-Pg] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-String-Flogger] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Log-Dispatch-Array] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MooseX-Getopt] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DateTime-Format-Builder] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Pod-Tests] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Email-Abstract] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Task-Catalyst] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sysadm-Install] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Config-JFDI] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MooseX-MultiInitArg] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-EBook-EPUB] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-Component-SimpleDBI] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Format-Human-Bytes] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MooseX-MultiMethods] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 723183] perl-Module-ScanDeps-1.03 is available
- [perl-Shipwright] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-Component-Client-SMTP] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Perl-OSType] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MogileFS-Client] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-XML-Filter-BufferText] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 723183] New: perl-Module-ScanDeps-1.03 is available
- [perl-HTTP-Recorder] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-JSON-Util] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Net-DBus-GLib] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DBICx-TestDatabase] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Parse-Method-Signatures] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Data-FormValidator-Constraints-DateTime] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Archive-Zip] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Devel-Cover] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-IO-CaptureOutput] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Action-REST] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-MessageStack] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-TryCatch] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Variable-Magic] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-POE-Component-SimpleLog] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Class-Container] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-View-Email] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Devel-REPL] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-MooseX-InsideOut] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sys-Virt] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session] Perl mass rebuild
- Re: News from rebuild
- [perl-Object-InsideOut] fix filtering; clean up requires
- [rt3/el6] BR: perl(Digest::SHA)
- [Bug 722604] please upgrade to HTML-Format-2.09
- [perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason/el6: 9/9] Merge branch 'master' into el6
- [perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason/el6] (9 commits) ...Merge branch 'master' into el6
- [perl-Config-Auto] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 715240] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.3.0 is available
- [Bug 716407] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.4.1 is available
- [Bug 716407] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.4.1 is available
- [Bug 715240] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.3.0 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild/f14] 0.7.0 bump
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild/f15] 0.7.0 bump
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild] 0.7.0 bump
- File Fedora-Rebuild-v0.7.0.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [perl-HTML-Template] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-File-Remove] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-SDL] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTTP-Server-Simple] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Config-Properties] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Time-modules] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Pod-Eventual] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-Refcount] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-Inter] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-List-MoreUtils] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Inline-Files] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 722660] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.1 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [rt3/el5] Remove salted password patch
- [perl-Text-vFile-asData/el5] Revert "Merge branch 'el6' into el5"
- [perl-Text-vFile-asData/el5: 14/14] Merge branch 'el6' into el5
- [perl-Text-vFile-asData/el5] (14 commits) ...Merge branch 'el6' into el5
- [Bug 721336] perl-Config-Properties-1.72 is available
- [Bug 722604] please upgrade to HTML-Format-2.09
- [Bug 722604] please upgrade to HTML-Format-2.09
- [perl-HTML-Format/f14: 2/2] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/f15' into f14
- [perl-HTML-Format/f14] (2 commits) ...Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/f15' into f14
- [perl-HTML-Format/f15] Upstream update.
- [perl-HTML-Format] Upstream update.
- File HTML-Format-2.09.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by corsepiu
- [perl-File-Remove/f15: 5/5] Post-merge cleanup.
- [perl-File-Remove/f15] (5 commits) ...Post-merge cleanup.
- [perl-File-Remove/f14: 6/6] Post-merge cleanup.
- [perl-File-Remove/f14: 5/6] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into f14
- [perl-File-Remove/f14] (6 commits) ...Post-merge cleanup.
- [perl-File-Remove] Upstream update. Add File-Remove-1.50.diff/Remove File-Remove-1.49.diff.
- File File-Remove-1.50.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by corsepiu
- [perl-File-Remove] Upstream update. Add File-Remove-1.50.diff/Remove File-Remove-1.49.diff.
- [perl-File-Remove] Upstream update. Add File-Remove-1.50.diff/Remove File-Remove-1.49.diff.
- [perl-Config-Properties] Update to 1.72
- File Config-Properties-1.72.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by xavierb
- [Bug 722661] New: perl-XML-Generator-1.04 is available
- [Bug 722660] New: perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.1 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [Bug 722604] New: please upgrade to HTML-Format-2.09
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session/el6] restore circular deps and wrap with perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session] restore circular deps and wrap with perl_bootstrap macro
- [Bug 716407] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.4.1 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [Bug 715240] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.3.0 is available
- [Bug 716407] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.4.1 is available
- [Bug 715240] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.3.0 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [Bug 721337] perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild/f14] (2 commits) ...0.5.1 bump
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild/f15] (2 commits) ...0.5.1 bump
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild] 0.5.1 bump
- File Fedora-Rebuild-v0.5.1.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [perl-Fedora-Rebuild] 0.5.0 bump
- File Fedora-Rebuild-v0.5.0.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst/el6] Revert "Remove circular BR to build in el6."
- [perl-Net-Netmask/el6: 7/7] Merge remote-tracking branch 'fedora/f15' into el6
- [perl-Net-Netmask/el6] (7 commits) ...Merge remote-tracking branch 'fedora/f15' into el6
- [perl-SDL] Rebuild for new SDL_gfx
- [perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst/el6] Remove circular BR to build in el6.
- [perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize/el6] Added missing BuildRequires on perl(CGI).
- [perl-WWW-Mechanize/el6] Added missing BuildRequires on perl(CGI).
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [perl-Barcode-Code128/f15] Initial import (#700346).
- From: Nicholas van Oudtshoorn
- [perl-Barcode-Code128] Initial import (#700346).
- From: Nicholas van Oudtshoorn
- File Barcode-Code128-2.01.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by vanoudt
- From: Nicholas van Oudtshoorn
- [Bug 695584] Providing native systemd file for upcoming F15 Feature Systemd
- [Bug 721340] perl-HTML-Template-2.10 is available
- [perl-HTML-Template] 2.10
- File HTML-Template-2.10.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by spot
- [bucardo/el6: 3/3] Merge branch 'master' into el6
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- [bucardo/el6] (3 commits) ...Merge branch 'master' into el6
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- [bucardo/f14] (2 commits) ...new version 4.4.6
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- [bucardo/f15] (2 commits) ...new version 4.4.6
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- Broken dependencies: perl-SDL
- [Bug 721339] perl-File-NFSLock-1.21 is available
- [perl-File-NFSLock] Add Test::More BR
- [perl-File-NFSLock] 1.21 bump, general cleanup
- File File-NFSLock-1.21.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata
- [Bug 721341] perl-PAR-Packer-1.010 is available
- [perl-PAR-Packer] 1.010 bump
- File PAR-Packer-1.010.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata
- [Bug 721339] perl-File-NFSLock-1.21 is available
- [Bug 721341] perl-PAR-Packer-1.010 is available
- [Bug 721339] New: perl-File-NFSLock-1.21 is available
- [Bug 721337] New: perl-Fedora-Rebuild-0.5.0 is available
- [Bug 721340] New: perl-HTML-Template-2.10 is available
- [Bug 721341] New: perl-PAR-Packer-1.010 is available
- [Bug 721336] New: perl-Config-Properties-1.72 is available
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Created tag perl-Net-SSLeay-1.36-6.fc16
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Trivial tidy up
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Stop running the tests in verbose mode
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Modernize provides filter
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] BR: perl(Test::Kwalitee) if we're not bootstrapping; explicitly BR: pkgconfig
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Use a patch rather than a scripted iconv to fix the character encoding
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Nobody else likes macros for commands
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] Tidy up recent changelog entries
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [perl-YAML-Tiny] drop Test::MinimumVersion BR to avoid circular build deps
- [dspam] copy/paste typo
- [dspam] Initial systemd unit file
- [dspam] fix changelog date
- [dspam/f15] fix changelog date
- [dspam/f14: 2/2] Merge branch 'f15' into f14
- [dspam/f14] (2 commits) ...Merge branch 'f15' into f14
- [dspam/el6: 2/2] Merge branch 'f15' into el6
- [dspam/el5: 2/2] Merge branch 'f15' into el5
- [dspam/el5: 1/2] fix changelog date
- [dspam/el6] (2 commits) ...Merge branch 'f15' into el6
- [dspam/el5] (2 commits) ...Merge branch 'f15' into el5
- [dspam] start as dspam user
- [dspam/el5: 18/18] Merge branch 'el6' into el5
- [dspam/el5] (18 commits) ...Merge branch 'el6' into el5
- [dspam/el6: 5/5] Merge branch 'f15' into el6
- [dspam/el6] (5 commits) ...Merge branch 'f15' into el6
- [Bug 720295] perlbrew-0.27 is available
- [dspam/f14: 5/5] Merge branch 'f15' into f14
- [dspam/f14] (5 commits) ...Merge branch 'f15' into f14
- [dspam/f15] start as dspam user
- [Bug 720744] Rebuild required to work correctly with perl 5.12.4
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session/el6] drop circular build deps
- [perl-Net-SSLeay] drop obsolete BRs
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session] drop circular build deps
- [perl-Term-Animation/f15] perl-Term-Animation
- From: Luis Enrique Bazán De León
- [perl-Pod-Eventual] drop circular Pod::Coverage::TrustPod buildreq
- [perl-Term-Animation] perl-Term-Animation
- From: Luis Enrique Bazán De León
- File Term-Animation-2.6.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by lbazan
- From: Luis Enrique Bazán De León
- [Bug 695597] Providing native systemd file for upcoming F15 Feature Systemd
- [Bug 695589] Providing native systemd file for upcoming F15 Feature Systemd
- [Bug 718190] perl-Coro-6.02 is available
- [perl-Sys-Virt] Update to 0.9.3 release
- File Sys-Virt-0.9.3.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by berrange
- [perl-Unicode-Casing] Import
- File Unicode-Casing-0.07.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [Bug 720295] perlbrew-0.27 is available
- [Bug 720295] perlbrew-0.27 is available
- [perlbrew/f14] update to 0.27
- [perlbrew/f15] (3 commits) ...update to 0.27
- [mojomojo] add missing MODULE_COMPAT requires
- [perlbrew] update to 0.27
- File App-perlbrew-0.27.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [pkgdb] cpan2rpm (un)retirement
- [Bug 720744] Rebuild required to work correctly with perl 5.12.4
- [perl-Devel-Cover/f15] 0.78
- [Bug 720744] New: Rebuild required to work correctly with perl 5.12.4
- [Bug 719560] perl-File-HomeDir-0.98 is available
- [perl-List-MoreUtils] rebuild to fix broken rawhide deps
- [perl-File-HomeDir] 0.98
- File File-HomeDir-0.98.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by spot
- [bucardo] - new version
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- [bucardo] new version 4.4.6
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- File Bucardo-4.4.6.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by itamarjp
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- File Bucardo-4.4.6.tar.gz.asc uploaded to lookaside cache by itamarjp
- From: Itamar Reis Peixoto
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N/el6] revert to 0.09
- [Bug 462254] Review Request: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap - FastMmap session storage backend
- [Bug 462254] Review Request: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap - FastMmap session storage backend
- [Bug 720294] perl-threads-tbb-0.04 is available
- [perl-threads-tbb] 0.04 bump
- File threads-tbb-0.04.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [Bug 720291] perl-Inline-Files-0.67 is available
- [perl-Inline-Files] Include new tests dependencies
- [perl-Inline-Files] 0.67 bump
- File Inline-Files-0.67.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata
- [Bug 720292] perl-LWP-Online-1.08 is available
- [perl-LWP-Online] 1.08 bump, BR/Rs fix, general cleanup
- File LWP-Online-1.08.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata
- [Bug 720292] perl-LWP-Online-1.08 is available
- [Bug 720291] perl-Inline-Files-0.67 is available
- [Bug 720295] New: perlbrew-0.27 is available
- [Bug 720294] New: perl-threads-tbb-0.04 is available
- [Bug 720292] New: perl-LWP-Online-1.08 is available
- [Bug 715559] perl-Mojolicious-1.64 is available
- [Bug 712671] perl-Shipwright-2.4.28 is available
- [Bug 720293] New: perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-62 is available
- [Bug 720291] New: perl-Inline-Files-0.67 is available
- [perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch] Update to 3.0.4, add BR, remove TODO
- File CGI-Application-Dispatch-3.04.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [perl-Test-Spec/f15] update to 0.37
- [perl-Test-Spec] update to 0.37
- File Test-Spec-0.37.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-XML-RSS-LibXML/f15] (3 commits) ...remove unnecessary explicit requires
- [perl-XML-RSS-LibXML: 3/3] remove unnecessary explicit requires
- [perl-XML-RSS-LibXML] (3 commits) ...remove unnecessary explicit requires
- [perl-XML-RSS-LibXML/f14] remove premature changelog entry
- [perl-XML-RSS-LibXML/f14: 3/3] update to 0.3101
- [perl-XML-RSS-LibXML/f14] (3 commits) ...update to 0.3101
- File XML-RSS-LibXML-0.3101.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-Sys-Virt] Update to 0.9.2 release
- [perl-Sys-Virt] Update to 0.9.2 release
- [perl-Config-Auto] Update to 0.36 and clean up spec file
- File Sys-Virt-0.9.2.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by berrange
- File Config-Auto-0.36.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM] Update to 2.4 and clean up spec file
- File CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.4.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication] Update to 0.20, add new BuildRequires and clean up spec file
- File CGI-Application-Plugin-Authentication-0.20.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [Bug 712038] perl-MIME-Charset-1.009.1 is available
- [perl-MIME-Charset] Update to 1.009.1
- File MIME-Charset-1.009.1.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by xavierb
- [perl-Unicode-Map] Created tag perl-Unicode-Map-0.112-21.fc16
- [perl-Unicode-Map] Add perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_*) dependency
- [perl-Unicode-Map8] Created tag perl-Unicode-Map8-0.13-5.fc16
- [perl-Unicode-Map8] Add perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_*) dependency
- [perl-Unicode-MapUTF8] Created tag perl-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.11-14.fc16
- [perl-Unicode-MapUTF8] Add perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_*) dependency
- [Bug 719874] perl-threads-lite keeps hanging during self checks
- [Bug 719874] New: perl-threads-lite keeps hanging during self checks
- [perl-Starman/f15] Initial import.
- [perl-Starman] Initial import.
- File Starman-0.2013.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [Bug 714922] perl-Test-Refcount-0.07 is available
- [Bug 719560] New: perl-File-HomeDir-0.98 is available
- [Bug 715559] perl-Mojolicious-1.57 is available
- [Bug 719280] perl-Time-modules-2011.0517 is available
- [perl-Time-modules] Upload source tar ball
- File Time-modules-2011.0517.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [perl-Time-modules] Clean up spec file
- [perl-Time-modules] 2011.0517 bump
- [Bug 719280] perl-Time-modules-2011.0517 is available
- [pkgdb] perl-Time-modules ownership changed
- [pkgdb] perl-Time-modules ownership changed
- [pkgdb] perl-Time-modules ownership changed
- [Bug 718962] perl-Test-POE-Client-TCP-1.10 is available
- [perl-Test-POE-Client-TCP] 1.10 bump
- [Bug 718961] perl-Test-Inter-1.03 is available
- File Test-POE-Client-TCP-1.10.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [Bug 718960] perl-PerlIO-locale-0.08 is available
- [perl-Test-Inter] 1.03 bump
- File Test-Inter-1.03.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [perl-PerlIO-locale] 0.08 bump
- File PerlIO-locale-0.08.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [Bug 719278] perl-App-SVN-Bisect-1.1 is available
- [Bug 719280] New: perl-Time-modules-2011.0517 is available
- [Bug 719281] New: perl-XML-Writer-0.612 is available
- [Bug 715559] perl-Mojolicious-1.56 is available
- [Bug 719278] New: perl-App-SVN-Bisect-1.1 is available
- [perl-App-SVN-Bisect] update to 1.1
- File App-SVN-Bisect-1.1.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by xavierb
- [perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork/f15] Initial import.
- [perl-Net-Server-SS-PreFork] Initial import.
- File Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [perl-HTTP-Server-Simple] spec cleanup, add explicit requires on perl(CGI)
- [perl-HTTP-Server-Simple/f15] spec cleanup, add explicit requires on perl(CGI)
- [perl-HTTP-Server-Simple/f14] spec cleanup, add explicit requires on perl(CGI)
- File HTTP-Server-Simple-0.44.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by spot
- [Bug 719048] New: perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [Bug 719048] perl-HTTP-Server-Simple has no dependencies on perl-CGI
- [perl-Test-ConsistentVersion/f15] Initial import.
- [perl-Test-ConsistentVersion] Initial import.
- File Test-ConsistentVersion-v0.2.3.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- [Bug 718960] New: perl-PerlIO-locale-0.08 is available
- [Bug 715559] perl-Mojolicious-1.55 is available
- [Bug 718961] New: perl-Test-Inter-1.03 is available
- [Bug 718962] New: perl-Test-POE-Client-TCP-1.10 is available
- [Bug 718190] perl-Coro-6.01 is available
- [perl-Crypt-RC4/el6] (2 commits) ...The package was approved in Fedora.
- [perl-Crypt-RC4/f15] (2 commits) ...The package was approved in Fedora.
- [perl-Crypt-RC4] The package was approved in Fedora.
- [perl-Crypt-RC4] Initial packaging of perl-Crypt-RC4.
- File Crypt-RC4-2.02.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by bochecha
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [Bug 718870] New: Missing dependency in perl-SVK package
- [perl-DateTime/f14] (2 commits) ...add rpm 4.9 filtering macros
- [perl-DateTime/f15] (2 commits) ...add rpm 4.9 filtering macros
- [perl-DateTime] add rpm 4.9 filtering macros
- [perl-DateTime] update DateTime::TimeZone to 1.35 (Olson 2011h)
- File DateTime-TimeZone-1.35.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [perl-Object-InsideOut] minimize impact of perl_bootstrap on tests
- [perl-Object-InsideOut] update to 3.81
- [perl-List-MoreUtils/f15] (2 commits) ...update to 0.32
- [perl-List-MoreUtils] update to 0.32
- File List-MoreUtils-0.32.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes/f15] update to 0.25
- [perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes] update to 0.25
- File MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.25.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-MooseX-Types] update to 0.27
- File MooseX-Types-0.27.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/f14] (4 commits) ...update to 0.090
- [perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/f15] update to 0.090
- [perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive] update to 0.090
- File Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.090.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-Any-Moose] update to 0.15
- File Any-Moose-0.15.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [Bug 715543] perl-Wx-Perl-DataWalker-0.02-9 tests do not pass in F15 and F16
- [Bug 715543] perl-Wx-Perl-DataWalker-0.02-9 tests do not pass in F15 and F16
- [Bug 715505] perl-Mail-MboxParser-0.55-4 does not pass tests in F15 and F16
- [Bug 715505] perl-Mail-MboxParser-0.55-4 does not pass tests in F15 and F16
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [Bug 718225] bad dependency: forgot %{_isa}
- [Bug 718225] bad dependency: forgot %{_isa}
- [Bug 718225] bad dependency: forgot %{_isa}
- [Bug 718225] bad dependency: forgot %{_isa}
- [Bug 718225] bad dependency: forgot %{_isa}
- [Bug 718225] New: bad dependency: fogot epoch
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [Bug 718190] perl-Coro-6.0 is available
- [Bug 718190] New: perl-Coro-6.0 is available
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [Bug 660847] CVE-2010-4334 perl-IO-Socket-SSL: ignores user request for peer verification
- [perl-Test-EOL] Created tag perl-Test-EOL-0.9-5.fc16
- [perl-Test-EOL] Restore EPEL-4 compatibility
- [perl-Test-EOL] perl(Pod::Coverage::TrustPod) is available everywhere now
- [perl-Test-EOL] %{?perl_default_filter} isn't needed for this tiny package
- [perl-Test-EOL] Nobody else likes macros for commands
- [perl-Test-EOL] Comment clean-up
- Re: bootstrap macro
- Re: bootstrap macro
- Re: bootstrap macro
- Re: bootstrap macro
- Re: bootstrap macro
- Re: bootstrap macro
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [perl-Params-Validate] Upstream update. Deactivate t/release-pod-coverage.t (Add Params-Validate-1.00-no-pod-coverage.patch
- File Params-Validate-1.00.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by corsepiu
- [perl-Params-Validate] Fix up bogus Tue Jun 28 2011 changelog entry. Fix License (Artistic2.0). Add BR: perl(Test::CPAN:Cha
- [perl-Perl-Critic] Created tag perl-Perl-Critic-1.116-2.fc16
- [perl-Perl-Critic] Move BR: perl(Test::Perl::Critic) to author test section where it belongs
- [perl-Perl-Critic] Run the author tests if we're not bootstrapping
- [perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-FillInForm] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTML-FillInForm] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Mixin-ExtraFields] Perl mass rebuild
- [perlbrew] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sub-WrapPackages] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Software-License] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Config-INI] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Eval-Closure] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-Output] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Mixin-Linewise] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-B-Compiling] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sub-Prototype] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-String-RewritePrefix] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-IO-Handle-Util] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP] Latest upstream release 1.16
- File Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.16.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by yaneti
- [perl-PPIx-Utilities] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Perl-Metrics-Simple] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-PPI-HTML] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Object-Deadly] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sub-Exporter] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Carp-Clan-Share] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-PPIx-Regexp] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Perl-Tags] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-File-Find-Rule-PPI] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Module-Used] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 660847] CVE-2010-4334 perl-IO-Socket-SSL: ignores user request for peer verification
- [perl-Sys-Virt/f15] Update to 0.2.7 release
- [perl-HTML-Selector-XPath] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-WWW-Curl] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-ExtUtils-XSpp] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Sys-Virt] Update to 0.2.7 release
- File Sys-Virt-0.2.7.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by berrange
- [perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML] Bump release because of koji error.
- [perl-Data-Denter] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-SDL] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-Dependencies] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Module-Compile] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-DBIx-POS] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-B-Keywords] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Config-Auto] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-XXX] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-Base] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-String-Diff] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Test-Most] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-File-ShareDir] Filter macro correctly, when more requires would be (un)versioned.
- [perl-Array-Compare] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath] update to 0.13
- [perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath] update filtering for rpm 4.9 macros
- File HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-0.13.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [perl-boolean] update to 0.27
- File boolean-0.27.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by iarnell
- [Bug 715795] FTBFS perl-Class-DBI-AsForm-2.42-11.fc14
- [perl-Class-DBI-AsForm] fix FTBFS, thanks to Petr Pisar
- [Bug 716408] perl-HTML-Tree-4.2 is available
- [perl-HTML-Tree] 4.2
- File HTML-Tree-4.2.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by spot
- [perl-File-ShareDir] fix macros
- [perl-Image-ExifTool/f15] 8.60
- [perl-Image-ExifTool/f14] 8.60
- [perl-Params-Validate] Perl mass rebuild add macro perl_bootstrap remove unneeded Pod::Man
- [perl-Test-EOL] Perl mass rebuild add macro perl_bootstrap
- [perl-Text-Textile] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Data-OptList] Perl mass rebuild add perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Sub-Install] add missing BR ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- [perl-Sub-Install] Perl mass rebuild add perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Image-Size] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-GD-SecurityImage] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-YAML] Perl mass rebuild add perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Image-ExifTool] 8.60
- [perl-Test-Script] Perl mass rebuild perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-File-HomeDir] add perl_bootstrap macro rebuild for perl 5.14.1
- [perl-File-Which] Perl mass rebuild add perl_bootstrap macro
- File Image-ExifTool-8.60.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by spot
- [perl-Test-Warn] remove unused BR Array::Compare
- [perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser] Created tag perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser-1.5002-9.fc16
- [perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser] Fix provides filter to work with rpm 4.9 onwards
- [perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ActionDispatch] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Class-Unload] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-File-ShareDir] Perl mass rebuild
- [perl-Class-C3-Componentised] Perl mass rebuild
- [Bug 637077] PID file location miss match
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [perl-Perl-MinimumVersion] use perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Config-Tiny] add missing BR ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- [perl-Object-InsideOut] use perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Test-ClassAPI] - rebuild with Perl 5.14.1 - use perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-Config-Tiny] - rebuild with Perl 5.14.1 - use perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-PPI] rebuild with Perl 5.14.1 use perl_bootstrap macro
- [perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl] rebuild with Perl 5.14.1 add perl_bootstrap macro for test BR
- Re: bootstrap macro
- [perl-GDGraph3d] Created tag perl-GDGraph3d-0.63-6.el4
- [Bug 716404] perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath provides privately redefined HTML::Element
- [Bug 716404] perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath provides privately redefined HTML::Element
- [perl-GDGraph] Created tag perl-GDGraph-1.44-1.el4
- [perl-GDGraph/el4] Bump back release in preparation for first EPEL-4 build
- [perl-GDTextUtil] Created tag perl-GDTextUtil-0.86-8.el4
- [dspam/el4] remove and obsolete dspam-web
- [Bug 717061] Change request (no review request ticket exists)
- [Bug 717061] New: Change request (no review request ticket exists)
- [Bug 717061] Change request (no review request ticket exists)
- [Bug 603502] [abrt] crash in perl-Padre-0.50-4.fc13: Process /usr/bin/perl was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
- [perl-Class-Inspector] rebuild with Perl 5.14.1
- bootstrap macro
- [Bug 598989] [abrt] crash in perl-Padre-0.50-4.fc13: Process /usr/bin/perl was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
- Re: News from rebuild
- [Bug 574195] AMAVISD_DB_HOME in amavisd-agent has wrong default
- [perl-PerlIO-locale] Import
- [perl-HTTP-Exception/f15] Initial import.
- [perl-HTTP-Exception] Initial import.
- File HTTP-Exception-0.03001.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman
- File PerlIO-locale-0.07.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar
- [perl-HTTP-Lite] rebuild for Perl 5.14.1 apply experimental bootstrap macro
- [perl-Encode-Locale] BuildRequire perl(base)
- [perl-Module-Build] BR on perl-devel because this package contains macros used by rpmbuild for Perl packages
- Broken dependencies: perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch
- [Bug 701000] perl-YAML-Tiny-1.50 is available
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