Hi Yall,
my above card does no go on Debian Tux 3.0 with XFree86--4.2.xx. :-(
I've tried the ...
Option "ChipId" "0x4242" or 0x4242 or 4966 & still no joy :-(
Are there any other config tweaks I've missed-anything to not download a
Monster down a weee 56k modem. Mercy!!!!
I am not a happy Geek...! *violins* ;-)
390. Rewrite Radeon DDC/DFP mode detection and management (Kevin Martin).
389. Integrate ATI patch:
- Add 2D support for Radeon 9000 (RV250), Mobility M9 (RV250 mobile)
and Radeon 9700 (R300)
Ok, what sections of the CVS thang do I need to download, to compile
some home brew drivers for my new shiny card-Please?
Any help mucly appreciated.
Greek Geek :-)
I would therefore like to posit that computing's central challenge, viz.
not to make a mess of it," has /not/ been met. - Edsger Dijkstra, 1930-2002
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