Hi, I'm running (or trying to get to run...) RH7.2 on a ThinkPad A31p. Since the ATI Mobility 7800 is not supported, I installed the framebuffer driver, which comes up fine (running in vesa mode 884, 16x1200, 16 bpp). When I do startx the screen first goes gray, then light blue, then some icons come up on the left, along with a window. Everything looks fine. However, when I move the mouse, the windows & icons disappear. I still see the mouse cursor, and clicking the various buttons also produces the appropriate menus, but no windows ever appear. This is probably something really stupid, but I just don't know what. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! --MAX ********************************************************************** Maximilian Riesenhuber e-mail: max@ai.mit.edu Center for Biological & Computational Learning phone: (617) 258-0725 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, E25-213a fax: (617) 253-2964 45 Carleton St. Cambridge, MA 02142 http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/max **********************************************************************