Okay, you'll be quite proud of me - I took 13 minutes and in a swirl of mixed pleasure (relief) and pain and despair, learned that my video adapter (supposedly Rage 128 based; it's an ATI All-in-Wonder 16mb AGP card) is -not- supported by the ati driver, even though the running of `XFree86 -configure` happily picks this driver out every time and packages it with a pink ribbon! >:-( So my question -- after RTFM -- to you all oh so nice sweet folk out there moving electrons and neurons around is... Why do the contents of /mnt/usr/X11R6/lib/Server/drivers/vga256/ati/* appear to be "compile-time" stuff rather than ACTUAL binary drivers, and further, what is the path to THE "ati" driver, and stretching this concept even further, when I did RTFM, it said something about using the Mach64 driver; What's THAT? Where can I procure it? Will there ever be a land animal faster than the Cheetah? Kudeeoze, -- Peter Leftwich President & Founder Video2Video Services Box 13692, La Jolla, CA, 92039 USA +1-413-403-9555