Sorry for the confusion. I am going from and asp page to a php form via a link in the asp page. In order for the user to see the PHP page the variable _VIEWSTATE has to be set as input hidden type. This variable is actually a session variable. The thing is that this value should always be the same for all the pages whether it is asp or php but when I call the value in PHP it is not the same. Therefore, I can always see the page but if I go back and forth again from asp to PHP I get an error the second time. Here is what is happening I click on a ASP page with a link to the PHP form. I see the PHP form with no problems. I submit the form and I see no problems either. if I click on a link from PHP or try to just browse back to the asp page I don't have a problem but If I try to go to the PHP form again from the ASP page this is when I get the internal error and the reason is because this _VIEWSTATE variable which is a session var is not the same for the second time I go to the PHP form. This variable should always stay the same if I got back and forth from PHP and ASP but I do not know how to maintain its state when I do so. I call this variable in PHP by echoing the $REQUEST["ESAuthCookie"] var therefore the second time I try to view this PHP form I get the error because it requests a new one which does not match the ASP one. Do I make any sense now? I apologize I am new at this. Thanks again, On 9/9/05, Mark Rees <mrees@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Please reply to the list. > > I still don't understand the problem. > > Anyway, you have this in your ASP file: > > <input type="hidden" name="_VIEWSTATE" value="1"/> > > When you submit that form to the PHP file, you can retrieve the value with > $_GET('_VIEWSTATE') or $_POST('_VIEWSTATE') > > When you "go back" to the ASP page, what do you mean? Clicking "back" in > the browser, following a link, or submitting a form? > > Clicking "back" in the browser? > > ? > > following a link > > put variable in the querystring and retrieve it > > or submitting a form? > > > send the variable back as a form input > > > Yes, you were right on my logic. I fixed that but I went back to my > original problem. Here is the issue. In the asp code an input type hidden > variable is set as name="_VIEWSTATE" and the value is what in PHP is called > as $_REQUEST["ESAuthCookie"]. Now the problem is that when I go from the asp > page to the php page this value is reset in php so when I go back to the asp > page and back to the php page I get an internal error because the _VIEWSTATE > var is not the same in php as it is in asp. So how can I go from asp page to > the php page and maintain the same variable's value? > > Thanks for your help it is really appreciate it. > > > > > On 9/9/05, Mark Rees <mrees@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > So I have I this problem. I have asp page that has a link to a PHP page, > when I click on the link I get the PHP with no problems but if I click > back > to the asp page and click on the PHP page I get a HTTP 500 Internal server > error. If I hit the refresh button I get the php page again. The PHP page > is > a form when the form is submitted after the fresh reload an error "the > directory name is invalid". Can anyone help me? > --------------------- > I suspect there is a problem with the logic. It sounds like the PHP page > is > not expecting to be called twice from the same link. More details are > required, perhaps including some code, for a better answer. > > -- > PHP Windows Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > > > > >