Uranium-series Symposium, Sydney 12-14th Feb 2014
From: Heather Handley <heather.handley@xxxxxxxxx>Uranium-series Symposium, Sydney 12-14th Feb 2014
Dear All,
We would like to invite you to join us in Sydney, 12-14th Feb 2014, for a U-series Symposium: The Frontiers of U-series Research.
Come and escape the Northern Hemisphere Winter!
We have three fantastic keynote speakers lined up:
François Chabaux (UdS)
Kari Cooper (UC Davis)
Ken Sims (UWyo)
We would like to invite you to join us in Sydney, 12-14th Feb 2014, for a U-series Symposium: The Frontiers of U-series Research.
Come and escape the Northern Hemisphere Winter!
We have three fantastic keynote speakers lined up:
François Chabaux (UdS)
Kari Cooper (UC Davis)
Ken Sims (UWyo)
Please see the website further details:
There will be a maximum of 30
participants, with limited spaces remaining, so please make sure you register early.
The venue is the historic and unique, Quarantine Station in Manly, Sydney, with its own private beach.
Abstract and registration deadline has been extended to the 5th December 2013.
Best wishes and we hope that you can make it!
Heather Handley and Simon Turner(Symposium Organisers)
Dr. Heather Handley
ARC Future Fellow and Senior Lecturer
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Room 203, E5B Building
Macquarie University
NSW 2109 Australia
T: +61 (0)2 9850 4403
F: +61 (0)2 9850 6904
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