EGU 2011 Session Reminder: Session GMPV 16, Volcanology and archaeology...
From: Mauro A. Di Vito <mauro.divito@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to remind you about the following session at the EGU General
Assembly (Vienna, Austria, April 03 – 08, 2011) and invite you to
contribute with an abstract submission.
Symposium: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology
Session GMPV 16, Volcanology and archaeology: understanding the impact of
volcanic eruptions on human settlements and activity throughout history
and prehistory
Session details
Since the origin of mankind volcanism and human life have been strictly
linked to each other. Despite the hazards posed by volcanoes, humans have
always found good reasons for settlement and development around them,
mostly in temperate zones, because of high soil fertility or for the
presence of ore deposits and the abundance of volcanic rocks that are good
building materials. Evidence from archaeological excavations demonstrates
that volcanic and related phenomena often have strongly conditioned human
life, causing environmental changes, forcing people to abandon their
settlements, and preparing the conditions for later re-colonization and
soil exploitation during phases of quiescence.
The main goal of this session is to promote cultural exchange and
interaction among diverse disciplines, so as to enhance our knowledge of
the relationships between volcanism, environment and human communities.
Multidisciplinary contributions are solicited, mainly in the fields of
stratigraphy, eruption dynamics, archaeological investigations,
archaeometry, the environmental impact of volcanic eruptions,
relationships between distribution and emplacement of volcanic products
and human settlements and structures, archaeological evidence for
environmental changes and impact on humans and animals of volcanic
Conveners: S. de Vita, C. Albore Livadie, M.A. Di Vito and E. Zanella
Abstract deadline is January the 10th, 2011
Please see http://meetings.copernicus.org/egu2011 for submission procedures
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