Norm Guest's 1953 dissertation, geology of northern Tanganyika [Tanzania]
From: David R Sherrod <dsherrod@xxxxxxxx>
I have been unable to acquire a copy, even for inspection and return, of a
1953 dissertation from Great Britain, despite the efforts of the USGS
national library to help me through it.
Do any of the Volcano listers have a copy or access to a copy? I'll pay
shipping and labor, even include a free hard-bound copy of USGS
Professional Paper 1750, in exchange for the favor. Contact me off-list
if any of you envision a solution.
N.J. Guest, 1953, Geology and petrology of the Engaruka-Oldowyo
L'Engai-Lake Natron area of northern Tanganyika territory: Univ. of
Sheffield [U.K.], Ph.D. dissertation
Alternate title in some reference lists: "The geology of part of northern
Tanganyika Territory"
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