Please see attached news release regarding pile burning planned for Dogtown Lake and City areas of the Williams Ranger District on the Kaibab National Forest.
Thank you, Holly Krake, MSEd Fire Information Officer USDA Forest Service Kaibab National Forest- South Zone 742 S. Clover Road Williams, AZ 86046 p. 928-635-5653 f. 928-635-5680
Kaibab National ForestWebsite: Twitter: Wildfire Information:
For Immediate Release Contact: Holly Krake, 928-635-5653August 29, 2013Pile Burning Planned for Dogtown Lake and City Areas
WILLIAMS, AZ – Within the next week, Williams Ranger District fire managers plan to burn the first 90 acres of approximately 200 planned acres of slash hand piles in the Dogtown Lake area. An additional 100 acres are planned in the City area off FS road 124. With Arizona Department of Environmental Quality approval and favorable conditions, these burns will start as early as Friday morning. Fuels Technician, Jeff Sanocki said “The recent months of deep monsoonal moisture help make conditions right to start pile burning across the district”. The goals of thinning and pile burning the related slash include improving forest health and reducing fire hazard on the forest.
Dogtown Lake Project Details: The project unit is approximately 3 miles southeast of Williams, south of I-40 and covers approximately 200 acres in total.
City Project Details: The project unit is approximately 1 mile northwest of Williams, north of I-40 off FS road 124 and covers approximately 100 acres in total.
For both projects, smoke is likely to be highly visible from Williams and surrounding communities, but have minimal impacts. There are no closures associated with these pile burns; however, hunters scouting for fall hunts and general forest visitors are asked to use caution in the general fire area, be aware of smoke, and observe all posted signs.
For additional information please call Holly Krake (USFS), Fire Information Officer, 928-635-5653
Dogtown Lake project unit is approximately 3 miles southeast of Williams, south of I-40.
The City project unit is approximately 1 mile northwest of Williams, north of I-40 off FS road 124.
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Description: 1650-1_d1_Dogtown_City_Piles_2013_0829.pdf