U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service
Coconino National Forest
For Immediate Release
January 24, 2011
Contact: Karen Malis-Clark
Tel: 928-527-3492
Fire equipment vendors invited to information sessions
Flagstaff, AZ - The Coconino National Forest will host three information-sharing sessions for anyone interested in contracting equipment with the U.S. Forest Service during the 2011 fire season. Each session will provide information on equipment specifications, how to respond to Virtual Incident Procurement (VIPR) system solicitations for equipment, and the best value process of selecting contracts. The VIPR is a new online system which allows vendors to contract equipment anywhere in the nation.
Sessions will be conducted via video-teleconference with the U.S. Forest Service’s Southwestern Region fire and contracting specialists. The Coconino National Forest will host these sessions at Flagstaff Ranger Station, 5075 N. Highway 89, Flagstaff, AZ.
February 1 ,1-3 p.m. Heavy Equipment (Dozers, Excavators, Tractor Plows and Transports)
February 2, 1- 3p.m. Mechanic with Service Truck
February 3, 1- 3p.m. Weed Washing Units, Fuel Tenders, and Helicopter Operations Support Trailer.
Sessions will also be held on these dates in Prescott, Springerville, Fredonia, Phoenix and Tucson.
Interested vendors can obtain information
about VIPR and view online copies of solicitations containing contract
requirements at
Current solicitation notices are published on the web at
For more information, contact the Coconino
National Forest at 928-527-3600.
Karen Malis-Clark
Public Affairs, Conservation Education
Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001-2529
Phone 928-527-3492 Fax 928-527-3620
email kmclark@xxxxxxxxx
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