Behold the words of Matt Ackeret <>, dated Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 08:05:42PM CET: : So how do I figure out how to READ this thing? That's why I started this : question/discussion in the first place. : : For example: : (A)+-(B) : \-(C) : : I replaced the "1"s with letters. (and is the # ever anything but 1?) : : What is the relationship of A to B to C? I don't understand what : horizontally versus "diagonally" means. I mean, it's something like : reply to the message specifically rather than just another message : in the thread. Both B and C are direct follow-ups to A, and A is the first message in that thread. No follow-ups to B and C. That's all the info you can extract from that tree, unless there's some meaning to the vertical ordering of the siblings, like if B was posted before C or something similar. It's not "diagonally", it's just an attempty to make the ASCII art look nice, like the corner is rounded when the line turns turns from vertical to horizontal. Lars J