> In the past prior to systemd-resolve as a default solution the order I > think was followed. From what I understand windows > https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows- > server-2008-R2-and-2008/dd197552(v=ws.10) > prefers first server on the list (it doesn't prefer secondary over > tertiary but first one is preferred) so people got used to it. Now > systemd-resolve doesn't seem to care about the order. Formally that > might be a correct approach but this is a change to what we used to have > in the past. So I think having possibility to follow the order would be > something nice to have. I also do not really get sometimes the design changes. I am having different orders in resolv.conf to spread the load over nameservers. So having this done automatically is sort of nice and better. I do not think there will be much support this use case. I think you can only extend this situation a bit, but at some point you need to rethink this architecture. I am here to complain about logging, systemd duplicates the required iops in certain cases (can't even remember exactly). Now I am stuck with no reporting at all on services that start/stop. To be honest I am to busy with other things to familiarize myself with systemd and criticize things.