> > I think I can speak for all the developers when I say that we are all > > ready to quit our jobs and work on SquirrelMail exclusively if the > > money is right. :-) > > Hope you are aware of the David Harris earthquake going on in the > Mercury/Pegasus package. Strange that two free mail client developers > have voiced the same thing almost simultaneously. Unlike that case, no one developer owns the code and I don't think there is any way that could ever happen with SM. I think Steve's comment was more a joke than that... or a pipe dream or something like that. Bob's "solution" is interesting and I don't doubt that it theoretically is possible, but Steve is very much correct in that it would take no small amount of effort -- many of the companies on the "commercial support" page already do offer similar support, and in my personal experience working with one of them, I'd say about 20% (if that) of the inquiries we got were from people who were willing to pay real world money for the work that they were asking for. Problem with even talking about getting something like that off the ground is that we are already strapped to donate our time to the project, so we'd actually need for there to be some level of donations to the project before anything else.... and I don't think anyone donates to any of the SM developers that I know of. (No, I'm not trying to whine... sometimes it might be nice to be rewarded a bit more, but sometimes I think some of us like the scale of the project as is.) > > This is one of the reasons I believe there > > needs to be a separate "support" link and it needs to be really damn > > near the top of the page so that it cannot be missed. The faster a > > user can get pointed in the right direction for answers, the faster > > they will get an answer and move on with their life. > > > Can we think about forums. The mail list is at times really a pain to > wade through. There was the suggestion of a wiki. I feel that many of > the ordinary users may not be savvy enough going through a wiki even > now. Forums have been asked for in the past. The problem with them is that they require developers to be actively watching them, and that's just not realistic for the project as it stands right now. The best way to gain attention is via email. There's also issues about public archival, etc. I don't think wading through list posts is too different than a forum, *depending* on what site you are using to search list postings (gmane.org? marc.theaimsgroup.com?). As for wikis, we already have one and have for years. ;-) (but it's not for asking questions in that sense) Oh, and don't forget that we do have a bug tracking and enhancement request system on our SourceForge page. Cheers, Paul ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join SourceForge.net's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys - and earn cash http://www.techsay.com/default.php?page=join.php&p=sourceforge&CID=DEVDEV -- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting Guidelines: http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/MailingListPostingGuidelines List Address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List Archives: http://news.gmane.org/thread.php?group=gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user List Archives: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=2995 List Info: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users