Dear All, I have been using the multilogin plugin for quite sometime on Linux server A ( Domain A ) to log in with squirrel mail to Linux server B ( Domain B )and recently i had to format /usr n /var partitions and reinstalled linux on server B now when i try to log in by selectin the B server it gives me the following error . Error opening ../data/default_pref Could not create initial preference file! /var/data/ should be writable by user nobody the permission of /var/data directory is nobody nobody with write permisons now if i create the same directory on server A that is /var/data with the right right permissions i get no error it works fine but the mail received is the username@domain A . not as username@domain B as mentioned in plugin since the data directories are shared and also the .pref n .abook files r created on server A squireel mail version 1.4.4 multilogin plugin version 2.3.2-1.2 Paul Lesneiwski <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> my config.php $IMAPSelections = array( 'KMUN' => array( 'imapServerAddress' => 'xx.xx.xx.1', 'imapPort' => '143', 'data_dir' => '/var/www/html/squirrelmail-1.4.4/data', ), 'BALADIA' => array( 'imapServerAddress' => 'xx.xx.xx.2', 'imapPort' => '143', 'org_title' => 'MAIL SERVER', 'data_dir' => '/var/data', cant figure out whts goin wrong. thnks and apprecite your help regards simon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share your opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys - and earn cash -- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting Guidelines: List Address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List Archives: List Archives: List Info: