Hi Paul... thanks for responding. :) I do have multilogin patched in (sorry I didn't mention it before), so that's why the usesessionbased is set to 1... but I'm not really using the functionality that multilogin provides (I don't think). I've set the domain in the virtual_domains array, but it doesn't seem to work -- evidenced by the fact that composed emails get the proper domain appended only if the URL I use to access SM is also the proper domain. Maybe one of my other settings is wrong, and I've included my config file again below. The other thing is that I want to use the email address in the virtusertable as the from address, which is not the same as username@xxxxxxxxxxx If my virtusertable looks like this: alias@xxxxxxxxxx username then I want to have the emails coming from alias@xxxxxxxxxx and not username@xxxxxxxxxxx Right now if I login with the URL of https://mail.hostname.tld and use my alias@xxxxxxxxxx to login, then I get the correct account (the virtusertable lookup is happening correctly)... but the composed emails come from username@xxxxxxxxxxxxx If I login with the URL of https://mail.domain.tld (and deal with the popup warnings) and user alias@xxxxxxxxxx to login, I get the correct account, but composed emails come from username@xxxxxxxxxx (again, instead of the desired alias@xxxxxxxxxx). I hope I'm not adding to the confusion. :) The compatibility plugin breaking SELinux can be for another discussion thread. :) Thanks so much, chris. -----Original Message----- On 6/18/06, Christopher J. Hinkle <chinkle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I see... I didn't realize that's how vlogin worked. I tried going to > the virtual domain URL and logging in as myemail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > This time when I sent a message I got the From address to be > myusername@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so we're almost there. :) So I would think that setting the 'domain' in the virtual_domains array would do the job. If the actual usernames are in the form "username" (and not "username@xxxxxxxxxx"), SM should be just appending the default domain to outgoing messages. If that is what your situation is (depends what's in your virtual map I suppose), but it isn't working, that could be because you need to use the multilogin part of things. BTW, I see no reason why the compatibility plugin would break SELinux policies...? Also, please turn off $useSessionBased if you have not applied the multilogin patch and don't have that plugin in place too. - paul # config.php <?php global $notPartOfDomainName, $numberOfDotSections, $useSessionBased, $putHostNameOnFrontOfUsername, $checkByExcludeList, $at, $dot, $dontUseHostName, $perUserSettingsFile, $smHostIsDomainThatUserLoggedInWith, $virtualDomains, $sendmailVirtualUserTable, $virtualDomainDataDir, $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneHost, $vlogin_debug, $removeFromFront, $chopOffDotSectionsFromRight, $chopOffDotSectionsFromLeft, $translateHostnameTable, $pathToQmail, $atConversion, $removeDomainIfGiven, $alwaysAddHostName, $reverseDotSectionOrder, $replacements, $usernameReplacements, $forceLowercase, $securePort, $useDomainFromVirtDomainsArray, $usernameDomainIsHost, $stripDomainFromUserSubstitution, $serviceLevelBackend, $internalServiceLevelFile, $vlogin_dsn, $sqlServiceLevelQuery, $SQLDatabaseDomainLookup, $SQLDatabaseUserLookup, $SQLDatabaseServiceLevelLookup, $default_org_logo; $useSessionBased = 1; $virtualDomains = array( 'domain1.com' => array( 'domain' => 'domain1.com', 'org_name' => '###VIRTUAL_DOMAIN###', 'org_title' => '###VIRTUAL_DOMAIN### Mail', 'motd' => 'Welcome!', 'settingsWithEmbeddedPHP' => array( 'org_name', 'org_title' ) ), 'domain2.net' => array( 'domain' => 'domain2.net', 'org_name' => '###VIRTUAL_DOMAIN###', 'org_title' => '###VIRTUAL_DOMAIN### Mail', 'motd' => 'Welcome!', 'settingsWithEmbeddedPHP' => array( 'org_name', 'org_title' ) ) ); $useDomainFromVirtDomainsArray = 1; $reverseDotSectionOrder = 0; $numberOfDotSections = 2; $removeFromFront = 1; $checkByExcludeList = 1; $notPartOfDomainName = array('www' ,'mail' ,'email' ,'webmail'); $chopOffDotSectionsFromLeft = 0; $chopOffDotSectionsFromRight = 0; $at = '@'; $dot = '.'; $atConversion = array(); $forceLowercase = 0; $replacements = array( // '-' => '_', // all dashes converted to underscores // 'xx' => '', // all double xx's removed ); $alwaysAddHostName = 0; $putHostNameOnFrontOfUsername = 0; $dontUseHostName = 1; $smHostIsDomainThatUserLoggedInWith = 1; $removeDomainIfGiven = 0; $usernameDomainIsHost = 0; $virtualDomainDataDir = ''; $allVirtualDomainsAreUnderOneHost = ''; $securePort = 443; $stripDomainFromUserSubstitution = 0; $usernameReplacements = array( // '-' => '_', // all dashes converted to underscores // 'xx' => '', // all double xx's removed ); $sendmailVirtualUserTable = '/etc/postfix/virtual'; $translateHostnameTable = ''; $pathToQmail = ''; $default_org_logo = ''; $perUserSettingsFile = ''; $serviceLevelBackend = 0; $internalServiceLevelFile = '/path/to/squirrelmail/plugins/vlogin/data/service _levels.dat'; $sqlServiceLevelQuery = 'SELECT service_level FROM users WHERE username = "%1" '; $SQLDatabaseDomainLookup = ''; $SQLDatabaseUserLookup = ''; $SQLDatabaseServiceLevelLookup = ''; $vlogin_dsn = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/email_users'; $vlogin_debug = 0; ?> -- squirrelmail-users mailing list Posting Guidelines: http://www.squirrelmail.org/wiki/MailingListPostingGuidelines List Address: squirrelmail-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx List Archives: http://news.gmane.org/thread.php?group=gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user List Archives: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=2995 List Info: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/squirrelmail-users