Re: vim syntax highlighting

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On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 09:08:01PM -0600, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
> At 12:16 11/5/2003, you wrote:
> >Search for something else (ie /aslkalsjd), or turn search highlighting
> >off with:
> >
> >:set nohlsearch
> As a follow-up: is this a "permanent" setting, a session setting, or will 
> search highlighting be turned back on the next time I do a search?
> Let's assume that you _do_ want search highlighting every time you use it, 
> but you have now finished with this search and you just want it off right 
> now. Does nohlsearch do that, or is there some one-key command that will 
> just say "OK, I'm done until next time, thanks"?

I provided a two-part answer. ;^) Apparently, I was too terse. :-(

Searching for something else that is not in your document will turn off
the previously highlighted entries immediately.

Recent versions of vim will remember what you've last searched for
between sessions, so you could consider this 'permanent' if you never
search for anything else.

':set nohlsearch' will turn off search highlighting for your current
session (ie while the current vim process is running). If you wish to
make it permanent, you need to update your .vimrc file.

vim's online documentation is quite good, if you know what to look for.
In this case we do:

:help hlsearch

 // 2   _____________________________________________________________ 
//     /                                                             \
\\/ /  | Of course there's no reason for it, it's just our policy.   |
 \\/   \_________________________________  __________________________/
        Ewan Edwards {e^2}, e@xxxxxxxxxx |/

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