Re: The end of RHL for private use? [was: Fedora vs. RHL]

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On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 16:28:27 -0600, you wrote:

>Just as with people, you generally get to know corporations and can 
>judge/predict their behavior over time. And while you have chosen to fear 

Ironic you bring up this arguement given the changes occurring.

Many of us chose Red Hat for their established track record of
providing an affordable, open source product that was stable for at
least 18 months.

This then changed with Red Hat 9 as binary compatibility between
successive releases was discarded.

Now we have another significant change with a change in name
(customer: what is Fedora??  I thought you convinced me Red Hat was
best.  What do you mean it is no longer Red Hat but a "community"
project?), change in direction, and faster releases.

The fact that long time loyal Red Hat customers that have been on
these mailing lists for a while are now attempting to fix the problems
that Red Hat is introducing tells you that Red Hat's behaviour has
definately changed.  As such you can no longer judge/predict Red Hat's
behaviour based on past actions.

>Red Hat (certainly a valid choice and one which it is your privilege to 
>make), the behavior _I_ see is that of a company concerned with turning a 
>profit and staying in business while continuing to contribute to their 
>community as much as possible and serving as many users as possible with 
>the best Linux software possible.

Given that every company is concerned with turning a profit and
staying in business that is certainly not unique to Red Hat.

But given that Red Hat has abandoned the product that created them,
and has people depending on it, make one wonder what future changes
will be deemed to be "necessary" to satisify the shareholders.

>that they will put lots of effort into Fedora, and that Fedora is going to 
>be even better for me than RHL was (yes, that means I trust that we will 
>somehow achieve a longer EOL than 9 months, too). And I trust that RHEL 

So we have gone from years of support (Red Hat Linux up to 7.*), to 15
months (Red Hat 8.0) to 12 months (Red Hat 9), now to 9 months
(Fedora).  There is a definate pattern here that is not good.

Now the community may well find a way to extend that, but if you are
going to rely on the community you may as well go with Debian whose
community at least has a track record on the issue.

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