Re: anyone interested in a separate mailing list for the 2.6 kernel?

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On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Tom Diehl wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Robert P. J. Day wrote:

> > if folks are still interested, as soon as the changes make it to
> > the DNS servers, the domain can host a mailing list
> > devoted strictly to kernel 2.6 issues under red hat.
> I realize you are going to do this anyway but I have to ask WHY??
> Arjan and Bill already said this was on topic for this list. There
> are enough people interested in it that I have not seen anyone complain
> about it. Just what is it you are trying to accomplish besides getting
> people to subscribe to yet another mailing list? For sure talking about
> the 2.6 test kernels is better than some of the flamewars that go on here. ;)

[side note: for anyone who has been following this thread, no, the DNS
entries have not been updated yet (argh!) so the mailing list is not
available for subscription yet.  i'll let you know when it happens.]

some good points in the above, some not so good points.  (it's early,
i have just realized there's no coffee in the house, so this will
be a thoroughly stream-of-consciousness kind of posting.)

first, i did ask if there was anyone who would be interested in
(in a sense) taking this offline, and there were a few people
who liked the idea, so i figured it was worth it.  i'm not
forcing anyone to join, so if one is happy with the discussion
on the shrike list, that's cool.

second, it's not at all clear that discussion of the 2.6 test
kernel series *is*, technically, on topic for the shrike list.
regardless of the unofficial support from folks like arjan,
it should be clear that, if you install a 2.6-xxx kernel on your
RH box, and it breaks your machine, RH's official position will
be that you get to keep all the pieces.  the 2.6 kernel is,
technically, not part of the shrike distro, so just being pedantic,
no, it's not really on-topic for this list.

third, it should be obvious that, given the trend over the last few
days, the shrike list is going to be increasingly dominated by 
2.6-related postings.  just take a look to see what i mean.

fourth, i'm not suggesting a separate mailing list solely to discuss
how to get a 2.6 kernel running under RH.  *that's* pretty easy
(and, yes, some of you folks really should wean yourselves off of
your obsession with RPMs.)

i'm talking about a list to discuss the new features that come with
the kernel, and how to start taking advantage of them.  LVM?  devfs?
power management?  just getting the kernel up and running is not a
big deal, and certainly doesn't justify a new list.  figuring out
what to *do* with it once it's running -- now that's a different
story.  (given some free time, i may try to put up a FAQ for 
installation at the upcoming, to minimize the number
of "how do i get it running?" posts.)

and, finally, having a separate list generally encourages members
to post more on that specific topic than they normally would on a
more general list.  with a list devoted to 2.6, folks would typically
be more willing to post really nitpicky questions that would seem
far too detailed for a more general list.

anyway, like i said, no one's forcing anyone to join YAML.  frankly,
i suggested this purely out of selfish motives.  i wanted to start a
discussion where *i* could ask some of the dumb questions, too. :-)


p.s.  and, as i said, in a previous posting, i'm open to the idea
of other (RH-related?) mailing lists on more specific topics if there's
sufficient interest.  because even if those topics technically fall
under the mandate of the shrike mailing list, that mailing list
covers a *lot* of territory.  and sometimes, it's nice to be able
to focus in a little more directly.

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