I'm having trouble with rpm .. When I start it in any way (tried rpm -qa, rpm -Va, rpm --rebuilddb, rpm -Uvh ...) it starts, shows up in top as taking 0% cpu usage and just seems to sit there. So I've been killing the processes to get rid of them (kill -KILL pid) I've let it run all night with the same results I was trying to rpmbuild the courier-imap rpm that wanted some devel packages and I think the last thing that I did with rpm (was yesterday) was rpm -Uvh postgresql-devel-7.2.2-1.i386.rpm and that was the first time it hung after completing the progress bar. Immediately prior to that I successfully added some other devel packages I can't find anything in the log files that would point to a problem I'm running Rehdat 9 but you may have noticed that I'm using an older postgresql package (and also php) for compatibility with another piece of software Any tips? -- Brian Johnson * This is where my witty signature line would be if I bothered to edit this line :) *