My rhn-applet tells me I need an update for gnupg. When I try to run up2date to get it, the program tells me I'm up to date. However, the red throbbing exclamation point remains. I have gnupg-1.2.1-3.fdr.1.rh90 installed, and the available package from rhn is gnupg-1.2.1-4. I evidently obtained my present package from freshrpms. Synaptic indicates there is no later package available there. Thinking I could straighten things out, I tried to rpm -e gnupg, but rpm replies [root@xxxxx root]# rpm -e gnupg error: Failed dependencies: gnupg is needed by (installed) up2date-3.1.23-1 How can I get everything back in sync so that rhn doesn't think I need an update? I'm willing to uninstall the current one since I am not actually using it yet. I would then probably up2date gnupg to get the current RH version. Gerry