Re: Help: lpd Won't Start

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Mike Chambers schrieb:

On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 11:30, Warren Clearfield wrote:

I tried 'chkconfig' as you suggested. It shows that lpd is 'on' for
run-states 2-5, as evidenced by it attempting to start up during the boot
phase. This leads to the error message: "Cannot bind to lpd port 515", and
startup fails. Once again, this is the same fatal error message I get when
I try to start lpd manually. I was hoping the 'up2date' of LPRng and CUPS
would fix some subtle problem causing this, but it didn't help.

In case this still hasn't been fixed, try below...

service lpd stop
chkconfig lpd off

chkconfig cups on
service cups start

Then if it's not already, add your printer and see what happens.

have you tried alternatives?

# alternatives --config print

There are 2 programs which provide 'print'.

 Selection    Command
*  1           /usr/bin/lpr.LPRng
+ 2           /usr/bin/lpr.cups

Enter to keep the default[*], or type selection number:


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