may be this is not the best place to ask, but I have asked other places and haven't received any help. I've been using linux for about a year and a half using only 2 different users, root and my rrigo. Afet getting a little faster connection, I want to try different things. First, I want to create a user that has very little privilages, so that a friend can connect to my computer using ssh. This way, he can upload and download files, but cannot do any su, etc. how do I this? also, how do I forward all of root's mail to my mail? Is there any way to create an email address with out creating a shell account (and also using squirrelmail)? I tried to search for some documentation in users adminitration, but didn't find anything. any pointers? and last thing is.. how do I make fetchmail run as a daemon? thanks, rigo