On Sun, Apr 06, 2003 at 04:16:06PM +0200, M. Fioretti wrote: > > $ dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=326656 | md5sum - > How would you get 326656 figure above from the byte count given by a > real ftp client? And, since we are at this, what are the counts for > disc 2 and 3? The results I have for the RHN RHL 9 CDs are as follows (in units of 2048 byte blocks). I have verified the md5sum's for these files. shrike-i386-disc1.iso 326656 shrike-i386-disc2.iso 330816 shrike-i386-disc3.iso 248336 shrike-i386-disc4.iso 311408 shrike-i386-disc5.iso 330416 shrike-i386-disc6.iso 217360 A good way to find the size of an ISO 9660 volume: isosize -x shrike-i386-disc1.iso or isosize -x /dev/cdrom The output for this example: sector count: 326656, sector size: 2048 Alternatively, one may look for the lines labeled "logical block size" and "volume size" in the output of: isoinfo -d -i shrike-i386-disc1.iso (or, e.g., /dev/cdrom) BTW, as I understand it, the RHL 9 ISOs that may be downloaded from Red Hat Network are not identical to those shipped in the box sets. The ISOs from RHN are more recent than the boxed set ISOs and already contain several of the errata that have been released against RHL 9. Therefore, when talking about MD5 sums of RHL 9 CDs one needs to specify whether one refers to the downloadable ISO files or the boxed set CDs.