Re: Mozilla Mail Icon

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On Wed, 2003-01-15 at 16:40, John Lowell wrote:
> Iain Buchanan wrote:
> > If you want some help with these steps let me know.
> >
> I would, in fact,  appreciate having help duplicating the steps you've 
> taken in solving this problem.  While I knew what type of file was 
> involved in this case, I had no idea that it was capable of alteration 
> in the way you describe. I'll look forward to your follow-up.
This should get you through it
1. If you right-click on the icon and select 'Properties' you will
notice a button labelled 'Select Custom Icon'.  Click it and you will
notice that the default path is '/usr/share/pixmaps'.  Close the two
dialog boxes, open a terminal and cd to this location.

2. Type 'gimp mozilla-mail-icon.gif' and assuming its installed gimp
will start and you will see the tiny icon in a window.  Gimp takes
longer on the first run than successive runs.

3. Right-click on the tiny mail icon, and go to image -> Scale Image... 
Select an X ratio of 3, or a measurement.  The Y ratio should scale
accordingly if the 'chain' is not broken.  Click ok.

4. Right-click on the image again, and go to File -> Save As and save it
somewhere (as, say mozilla-mail-icon-big.png)  Simply changing the
extention to .png should be enough to make a png.  If you don't have
write access to /usr/share/pixmaps, save it to your home dir.

5. Quit the gimp, and go back to the 'Select Custom Icon' (see 1.) 
Browse to where you saved the file and select the new icon.  Now it
should behave as you first expected.
Iain Buchanan <>
Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones,
as the wind blows out candles and fans fires.
		-- La Rochefoucauld

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