> Message: 8
> Subject: RH8 Mozilla -- Printing in Landscape?
> From: David Colburn <kd4e@arrl.net>
> To: psyche-list@redhat.com Organization:
> Date: 24 Dec 2002 18:26:40 -0500
> Reply-To: psyche-list@redhat.com
> I am using Mozilla under RH8. When looking around the Print popup in
> Moz I do not see an option to print in landscape, why is that?
> (Nothing helpful in Mozilla Help.)
I verified this. The Print Windows that come up in Mozilla don't give a
Landscape option.
Possibly you can check your Printer Settings (LPRng or CUPS), to see if
that is configurable. I'm using CUPS and Printing is the one issue we
have with Psyche. It will, hopefully, improve, with future releases.
Printing from MS Windows is much nicer today than printing from Psyche,
to our HP 6L LaserJet.
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