Do you mean it's the university tech. people who will only provide
binary VPN clients for Linux? Because I don't believe it's
Cisco. My company's tech. support provides the source for
Cisco's VPN client for those of us who are Linux users so we
can compile a VPN client that works on our individual Linux
systems. I purchased Cisco wireless hardware for my home
a year ago because they are one of the first vendors to really
provide customer tech. support for Linux.
Kathy Bieltz
Oisin C. Feeley wrote:
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, Donald E. Stidwell wrote:----- Original Message ----- From: "Oisin C. Feeley" <>It's for my wife's laptop which she's using in a university environment where the APs only do 40/64-bit. She's researched it a bit and found that the security aspect is not applicable because they (rightfully) insist that wireless users use VPN software. Unfortunately it seems to be non-Free Cisco binaries :-(You mean there's no freeware or open source VPN stuff available for her to use? That's would seem odd to me given that this is such a common technology.I guess it's a support issue. Apparently they don't officially support Linux yet, but if they do then it's going to be only through the Cisco binaries. Apparently other people are using those closed binaries succesfully. She wants to try and stay as compliant as possible with the tech people there so that they can help her debug. Thanks again to you, Adam ALLEN, and Thomas for the feedback on this. Oisin Feeley