* I Resized my screen from 1024x768 to 640x480 and I lost some icons off the screen. Unfortunately there is no 'right-click' desktop and auto-arrange icons feature. What if I wanted to stay at that resolution? Fortunately, my icons don't automatically get rearranged on me - like windows does to me. There are times when I want to switch to a different resolution to check web pages and I want to leave my icons where they are. * The gnome file open dialog - can it get any harder? I've seen better file handling dialog boxes on dumb terminals. * The auto/timed login feature is cool. Why not be able to change About Myself, Password and user Photo at the login screen? Or put these in a common control panel to help consolidate the menu a bit. * Program loads.. only the harddrive light gives me a clue the system is working. Mom didn't know she was launching the OO Writer 14 times. So, I trained her to stare at the System Monitor applet on the panel. * Chromium should detect 3D accelaration and present the user the choice of continue running like a dog or not. * Kedit - the Word Wrap setting was disabled by default - finally someone had guts to turn off that useless feature of word wrapping. ;) * Mozilla needs to learn a thing or two from Konqeror about how to default to better looking fonts on web sites. * RH's Network Device Control (neat) should not allow you to add a wireless connection if it can't follow through with it. I had to config my Linksys wireless pcmcia to good 'ol fashion way. Works good - just need an applet for /proc/net/wireless quality now. * xmtr needs root privilege to run - it's just a traceroute tool, isn't it or am I missing something? * redhat-config-package: Nice look but no way to find out what were the most recently installed/updated packages are. * It would be nice to have a "switch to superuser mode" within Nautilus and Konqeror without having to re-login as root. After all, other apps ask for the root password. * The qtk tree widget is not bound to arrow keys for navigation - must use a mouse. ugh. -eric wood