Re: Antialiasing blurs vertical font elements

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>>>>> "MAH" == Mike A Harris <> writes:

MAH> That's quite odd.  Most of the comments I hear from new users
MAH> about the font quality in RHL 8.0 is very positive praise.  Very
MAH> few complaints at all.

The font support is definitely of a much higher quality than before,
no doubt about that, which is why the problem I was asking about is
all the more frustrating.  It got better in general, but things that
used to look great (like running the M$ fonts with a bytecode-enabled
Freetype library) have acquired what I can only describe as
significant readability-impairing blurriness.

Perhaps my a significant issue is that I and the complaining users are
sitting in front of nice crisp LCD panels and like to use small fonts.
CRTs don't seem to show the problem as badly.  But even there, I'm
seeing situations where letters can bleed completely together because
the space that would normally be between the letters is instead
occupied by a shade of grey.  (No screenshot as I'm on vacation and my
home machines are still at 7.3 due to this issue.)

MAH> However, since we realize different people have different
MAH> preferences, we do make things configurable.  And since you must
MAH> have one default setting, we do have one.  It is not possible to
MAH> have a single default setting please everyone.

I really do understand this.  My problems are twofold:

1) The default behavior changed from previous Red Hat versions, in a
   Red Hat-specific way (via a patch to freetype that was not in the
   mainline sources at the time).

2) This change was undocumented.  I pored over all available
   documentation and Red Hat specific patches to inside several RPMS
   of packages that I was having problems with and couldn't find the
   answer.  Fortunately Mr. Taylor provided the necessary
   enlightenment on this list, and for that I am thankful.

My intent was not to complain about the behavior, only to illustrate
what I was seeing in the hope that someone would recognize the cause
and tell me what the tweak was.  Now that I know how to turn it off,
I'm perfectly happy to go away and trouble you good folks no further.

 - J<

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