On 22/01/2023 05:05, H wrote:
However, going back to the issue of /boot/efi possibly not being duplicated by CentOS, would not mdadm take care of that automatically? How can I check?
mdadm/raid will take care of /boot/efi provided both (a) it's set up correctly, and (b) nothing outside of linux modifies it.
You can always run a raid integrity check (can't remember what it's called / the syntax) which will confirm they are identical.
But if something *has* messed with the mirror outside of linux, the only way you can find out what happened is to mount the underlying partitions (for heavens sake do that read only !!!) and compare them.
A bit of suggested ?light reading for you - get your head round the difference between superblocks 1.0 and 1.2, understand how raid can mirror a fat partition and why that only works with 1.0, and then understand how you can mount the underlying efi fat partitions separately from the raided partition.
Read the raid wiki https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Linux_Raid and try to get to grips with what is actually going on ...
Cheers, Wol