PSU is a relatively reliable, if slightly old now, 380W thing. It has enough power on the 12v lines to power the disks and CPU, but you may be onto something there - all disks reading/writing at once = power levels higher. The new kit I've ordered for this server includes a 450W PSU, so perhaps that'll solve things. The trouble with debugging a problem like this is that there are so many variables! 2008/5/7 Maurice Hilarius <maurice@xxxxxxxxxxxx>: > > Twigathy wrote: > It could be cables, although that wouldn't explain the disks working > perfectly well (Maxed out, too in the case of doing a badblocks test) > when they are by themselves. > > Sounds like a current delivery issue. > > How is your power supply? > > > -- > With our best regards, > > Maurice W. Hilarius Telephone: 01-780-456-9771 > Hard Data Ltd. FAX: 01-780-456-9772 > 11060 - 166 Avenue email:maurice@xxxxxxxxxxxx > Edmonton, AB, Canada > T5X 1Y3 > -- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-raid" in the body of a message to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx More majordomo info at