On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Adrian Georgescu <ag at ag-projects.com> wrote: > > We are using this model in SIP SIMPLE client SDK and ?Blink (multiple conference bridges) and we run into random crashes caused by multithreading issues. Hard to debug and impossible to reproduce deterministically but its happens sooner or later after running for awhile. Probably nobody else have done this before in production environments and this scenario was never properly tested, this is why I am mentioning it here. > Hi Adrian, True I haven't tried this scenario myself, but conferencing is one of the thing that's central to PJSUA-LIB's design, hence it's been used by everybody and I think it's fair to say it's stable. Now when you're supposed to just create multiple instances of the same thing, I would expect it to stay stable if done properly. And we've discussed your problem few times off the list. Apart from this, you also have done major modifications elsewhere to the library, so it could be that too. And all this time, I never saw a crash dump, so it's impossible to say what this is. Best regards Benny