On 2/1/08, Vishesh Sharma <Vishesh_Sharma at infosys.com> wrote: > > An addendum, > The error: > 15:28:54.000 sip_auth_clien Unable to set auth for tdta002E89B0: can not find credential for ad.infosys.com/Digest > > This happens only when I use settings as suggested by Lakmal. Now, ad.infosys.com is my primary DNS suffix but is nowhere mentioned in pjsua_wince.cpp. So it seems that using Lakmal's settings you could reach the server. This is good. All you need to do now is to change your realm to "*" (wildcard), just as I said in previous mail, so that pjsip will authenticate to your server. > Otherwise what I do is - Use "Cradle" from device manager and specify a proxy server to be used in device settings (and to check the connection I am able access a webapp running on the server). The output file (generated on device fs) after running with options specified in previous message is inline. > If you mean HTTP proxy, it *will not work*, period. So lets not use this method. cheers, -benny > Thanks, > Vishesh >