Re: Retrieving Image Location in MySQL

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Does something like this work on your php script?





Sashikanth Gurram wrote:
> This is the location where I have saved  my images.
> /C:\Users\Sashikanth\Desktop\Bldgs_lots\Burruss.jpg
> /I have loaded the above location exactly into my database. But when I
> call it using
> /echo "<img src='$location' border='1' height='150' width='200'
> alt='$build' >";/
> It is simply giving me some blank empty space, with the name of the
> picture in the blank space (Since I am using alt). So, as I see it,
> the retrieval part is working fine, but the displaying of the image is
> not functioning properly. I am using a WAMP server. Any kind of
> suggestions are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Sashi
> PS: For Reference, I am posting my entire code below again. The image
> retrieval part is towards the end of the code.
> /<html>
> <body>
> <form action="mysqli.php" method="post">
> <br>
> <div align="center">
> Building Name:<select name="name">
> <option value=""> Select a Building</option>
>      <option value="Military Building">Military Building</option>
>      <option value="Monteith Hall">Monteith Hall</option>
>      <option value="New Residence Hall-Career Services Site">New
> Residence Hall-Career Services Site</option>
>      <option value="Williams Hall">Williams Hall</option>
>      <option value="Women's Softball Field">Women's Softball
> Field</option>
>      <option value="Wright House">Wright House</option>
> </select>
> </div>
>                    <input type="submit" />
> </form>
> <img src="mysqli.php?">
> <?php
> // Connects to your Database
> $host="******";
> $user="*******";
> $password="********";
> $dbname="*********";
> $cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname) ;
> if (!$cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname))
>    {
>        $error=mysqli_error($cxn);
>        echo "$error";
>        die();
>    }
> else
>    {
>        echo "Connection established successfully";
>    }
> //Define the variables for Day and Month
> $Today=date("l");
> $Month=date("F");
> $build=$_POST["name"];
> $low_speed=2.5;
> $high_speed=4;
> $hour=date("G");
> $minute=date("i");
> if ($minute>=00 && $minute<=14)
>    {
>        $minute=00;
>    }
> elseif ($minute>=15 && $minute<=29)
>    {
>        $minute=15;
>    }
> elseif ($minute>=30 && $minute<=44)
>    {
>        $minute=30;
>    }
> else
>    {
>        $minute=45;
>    }
> $times="10:$minute";
> $sql="SELECT buildingname, parking_lot_name, empty_spaces, distance,
> round(distance/($low_speed*60),1) AS low_time,
> round(distance/($high_speed*60),1) AS high_time, Location FROM
> buildings, buildings_lots, parkinglots, occupancy2, Image where
> (buildings.buildingcode=occupancy2.building AND 
> buildings.buildingcode=buildings_lots.building_code AND
> parkinglots.parking_lot_code=buildings_lots.parking_lot_code AND
> parkinglots.parking_lot_code=occupancy2.parking_lot AND
> Buildings.BuildingCode=Image.BuildingCode) AND buildingname='$build'
> AND month='$Month' AND day='Monday' AND Time='$times'";
> $data = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql);
> if (!$data=mysqli_query($cxn,$sql))
>    {
>        $error=mysqli_error($cxn);
>        echo "$error";
>        die();
>    }
> else
>    {
>        echo "<br>";
>        echo "Query sent successfully";
>    }
> echo "<br>";
> echo "<h1> PARKING LOT INFORMATION <h1>";
> echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='2'>";
> echo "<tr>\n
>        <th>Building</th>\n
>        <th>Parking Lot</th>\n
>        <th>Estimated Number of Empty Spaces</th>\n
>        <th>Distance (Feet)</th>\n
>        <th>Estimated walking time to the building</th>\n
>    </tr>\n";
> while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data))
>    {
>        extract($row);
> $building = $row[0];
>      $parking_lot = $row[1];
>      $Number_of_Empty_Spaces = $row[2];
>      $Distance = $row[3];
>      $time_l = $row[4];
>      $time_h=$row[5];
>      $location=$row[6];   echo "<tr>\n
>              <td>$building</td>\n
>              <td>$parking_lot</td>\n              
> <td>$Number_of_Empty_Spaces</td>\n
>              <td>$Distance</td>\n
>              <td>$time_h - $time_l mins</td>\n
> <td>$location</td>\n
>              </tr>\n";
>    }
>    echo "</table>\n";
> echo "<img src='$location' border='1' height='150' width='200'
> alt='$build' >";
> ?>
> </body>
> </html>/
> mrfroasty wrote:
>> Hello,
>> It might be something with location where the script  is located and the
>> image.I think is normally the case if they arent on the same
>> directory...
>> If not you might want to try saving your image locations with something
>> like ../../image_folder/image.jpg
>> I am not sure though as I have seen this  issue on one application but
>> it runs on LAMP
>> P:S
>> ../ One step back from the script location
>> GR
>> Muhsin
>> Sashikanth Gurram wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks a lot for the suggestion. It is working fine but there is some
>>> problem. When I introduced the piece of code you have suggested into
>>> my code, I am getting a space for the picture but nothing is there in
>>> that space. It is just blank. I do not know the reason for this. I am
>>> just attaching a picture just in case it might give you a better idea.
>>> Further, this is the piece of code I have written to display the pic.
>>> /echo "<img src='$location' border='1' height='150' width='200'
>>> alt='$build' >";/
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sashi
>>> mrfroasty wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Storing only location of the image in dB wouldnt be any different than
>>>> other string/data retrieved from the dB.That means if you have
>>>> something
>>>> like this in html documents whereby $image_location comes from the dB
>>>> It should work without ....header stuffs
>>>> Example
>>>> <img src="$image_location" border="1" height="150" width="200"
>>>> alt="Image" ISMAP>
>>>> P:S
>>>> Replace $image_location with image location from your dB.
>>>> GR
>>>> Muhsin
>>>> Sashikanth Gurram wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> I have been trying to retrieve the location of a image from database
>>>>> and display the image in the browser using PHP. I have written a sort
>>>>> of code for the purpose. All I am getting in my browser after using
>>>>> the code is a long set of ASCII characters with the following warning
>>>>> *Warning*: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
>>>>> (output started at C:\wamp\www\mysqli.php:65) in
>>>>> *C:\wamp\www\mysqli.php* on line *237
>>>>> *
>>>>> I am herewith attaching my code. If anyone can  point out the
>>>>> error or
>>>>> give some kind of advice that would be really great. The location of
>>>>> the image is stored in a table by the name IMAGE under the column
>>>>> name
>>>>> Location and here in the code, the location is retrieved under the
>>>>> varibale name $Location.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Sashi
>>>>> /<html>
>>>>> <body>
>>>>> <form action="mysqli.php" method="post">
>>>>> <br>
>>>>> <div align="center">
>>>>> Building Name:<select name="name">
>>>>> <option value=""> Select a Building</option>
>>>>> <option value="Agnew Hall">Agnew Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Rector Field House">Rector Field House</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Richard B. Talbot Educational Resources
>>>>> Center">Richard B. Talbot Educational Resources Center</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Robeson Hall">Robeson Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Sandy Hall">Sandy Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Saunders hall">Saunders hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Seitz Hall">Seitz Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Shanks Hall">Shanks Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Shultz Hall">Shultz Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Skelton Conference Center">Skelton Conference
>>>>> Center</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Williams Hall">Williams Hall</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Women's Softball Field">Women's Softball
>>>>> Field</option>
>>>>>      <option value="Wright House">Wright House</option>
>>>>> </select>
>>>>> </div>
>>>>>                    <input type="submit" />
>>>>> </form>
>>>>> <img src="mysqli.php?">
>>>>> <?php
>>>>> // Connects to your Database
>>>>> $host="*******";
>>>>> $user="*****";
>>>>> $password="******";
>>>>> $dbname="*******";
>>>>> $cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname) ;
>>>>> if (!$cxn=mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password, $dbname))
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        $error=mysqli_error($cxn);
>>>>>        echo "$error";
>>>>>        die();
>>>>>    }
>>>>> else
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        echo "Connection established successfully";
>>>>>    }
>>>>> //Define the variables for Day and Month
>>>>> $Today=date("l");
>>>>> $Month=date("F");
>>>>> $build=$_POST["name"];
>>>>> $low_speed=2.5;
>>>>> $high_speed=4;
>>>>> $hour=date("G");
>>>>> $minute=date("i");
>>>>> if ($minute>=00 && $minute<=14)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        $minute=00;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> elseif ($minute>=15 && $minute<=29)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        $minute=15;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> elseif ($minute>=30 && $minute<=44)
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        $minute=30;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> else
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        $minute=45;
>>>>>    }
>>>>> $times="$hour:$minute";
>>>>> $sql="SELECT buildingname, parking_lot_name, empty_spaces, distance,
>>>>> round(distance/($low_speed*60),1) AS low_time,
>>>>> round(distance/($high_speed*60),1) AS high_time, Location FROM
>>>>> buildings, buildings_lots, parkinglots, occupancy2, Image where
>>>>> (buildings.buildingcode=occupancy2.building AND
>>>>> buildings.buildingcode=buildings_lots.building_code AND
>>>>> parkinglots.parking_lot_code=buildings_lots.parking_lot_code AND
>>>>> parkinglots.parking_lot_code=occupancy2.parking_lot AND
>>>>> Buildings.BuildingCode=Image.BuildingCode) AND buildingname='$build'
>>>>> AND month='$Month' AND day='$Today' AND Time='$times'";
>>>>> $data = mysqli_query($cxn,$sql);
>>>>> if (!$data=mysqli_query($cxn,$sql))
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        $error=mysqli_error($cxn);
>>>>>        echo "$error";
>>>>>        die();
>>>>>    }
>>>>> else
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        echo "<br>";
>>>>>        echo "Query sent successfully";
>>>>>    }
>>>>> echo "<br>";
>>>>> echo "<h1> PARKING LOT INFORMATION <h1>";
>>>>> echo "<table border='1' cellspacing='5' cellpadding='2'>";
>>>>> echo "<tr>\n
>>>>>        <th>Building</th>\n
>>>>>        <th>Parking Lot</th>\n
>>>>>        <th>Estimated Number of Empty Spaces</th>\n
>>>>>        <th>Distance (Feet)</th>\n
>>>>>        <th>Estimated walking time to the building</th>\n
>>>>>    </tr>\n";
>>>>> while ($row=mysqli_fetch_array($data))
>>>>>    {
>>>>>        extract($row);
>>>>> $building = $row[0];
>>>>>      $parking_lot = $row[1];
>>>>>      $Number_of_Empty_Spaces = $row[2];
>>>>>      $Distance = $row[3];
>>>>>      $time_l = $row[4];
>>>>>      $time_h=$row[5];
>>>>>      $location=$row[6];   echo "<tr>\n
>>>>>              <td>$building</td>\n
>>>>>              <td>$parking_lot</td>\n            
>>>>> <td>$Number_of_Empty_Spaces</td>\n
>>>>>              <td>$Distance</td>\n
>>>>>              <td>$time_h - $time_l mins</td>\n
>>>>> <td>$location</td>\n
>>>>>              </tr>\n";
>>>>>    }
>>>>>    echo "</table>\n";
>>>>> $err=1;
>>>>> if ($img = file_get_contents($location, FILE_BINARY))
>>>>> {
>>>>>  if ($img = imagecreatefromstring($img)) $err = 0;
>>>>> }
>>>>> if ($err)
>>>>> {
>>>>>  header('Content-Type: text/html');
>>>>>  echo '<html><body><p style="font-size:9px">Error getting
>>>>> image...</p></body></html>';
>>>>> }
>>>>> else
>>>>> {
>>>>>  header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
>>>>>  imagejpeg($img);
>>>>>  imagedestroy($img);
>>>>> }
>>>>> ?>
>>>>> </body>
>>>>> </html>/
>>>>> Sashikanth Gurram wrote:
>>>>>> Hello guys,
>>>>>> Thanks to you all for your kind replies. I will try the steps and
>>>>>> get
>>>>>> back to you if I encounter more problems.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Sashi
>>>>>> Fortuno, Adam wrote:
>>>>>>> Matya,
>>>>>>> Ha, ha, ha! Thank you good friend. I did say I didn't try the code
>>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>>> AF> Please note, I haven't tried this. It just seems plausible.
>>>>>>> I apologize if I confused anyone. I just meant to show how the
>>>>>>> parameter could help retrieve a picture. I wasn't too concerned
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>> the particulars. Hopefully the concept is sound. If not, please do
>>>>>>> flame my note so no one attempts it.
>>>>>>> Be Well,
>>>>>>> A-
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Mattyasovszky Janos [mailto:mail@xxxxxxxx] Sent: Monday,
>>>>>>> March
>>>>>>> 02, 2009 9:29 AM
>>>>>>> To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Subject: Re:  Retrieving Image Location in MySQL
>>>>>>> Fortuno, Adam írta:
>>>>>>>>         //Write a query to pull out the picture's path
>>>>>>>>         $sql = "SELECT path FROM Image WHERE ID = %s";
>>>>>>>>         mysql_real_escape_string($value);
>>>>>>> Sorry, but this won't work, since you don't map the value of the
>>>>>>> escaped $value to the %s, lets say with sprintf()...
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Matya
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Extra details:
OSS:Gentoo Linux-2.6.25-r8
Hardware:msi geforce 8600GT asus p5k-se

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