Hello guys,
Thanks to you all for your kind replies. I will try the steps and get
back to you if I encounter more problems.
Fortuno, Adam wrote:
Ha, ha, ha! Thank you good friend. I did say I didn't try the code :-)
AF> Please note, I haven't tried this. It just seems plausible.
I apologize if I confused anyone. I just meant to show how the parameter could help retrieve a picture. I wasn't too concerned with the particulars. Hopefully the concept is sound. If not, please do flame my note so no one attempts it.
Be Well,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mattyasovszky Janos [mailto:mail@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:29 AM
To: php-db@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Retrieving Image Location in MySQL
Fortuno, Adam írta:
//Write a query to pull out the picture's path
$sql = "SELECT path FROM Image WHERE ID = %s";
Sorry, but this won't work, since you don't map the value of the escaped
$value to the %s, lets say with sprintf()...
Sashikanth Gurram
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA
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