After looking at the previous emails and this error message -
"Warning: copy(ssh2.sftp//6/home/nsr/public_html/test.txt): failed to
open stream: No such file or directory in
C:\Dropbox\Private\Web\nsr-HMAC\upload\Wheeler-2.php on line 67
Failed to copy local file
'C:\Dropbox\Private\Web\nsr-HMAC\upload\test.txt' to remote file
'ssh2.sftp//6/home/nsr/public_html/test.txt' "
I noticed that the sftp stream url is missing the colon.
You have ssh2.sftp//6/home/nsr/public_html/test.txt,
but it should be
I think this is the problem.
On 2/7/21 2:16 PM, David Spector wrote:
They look correct to me:
local file C:\Dropbox\Private\Web\nsr-HMAC\upload\test.txtremote
I've been debugging by printing out values all throughout the past few
weeks of working on these examples. The only frustration is that our
network environment is like black boxes. We don't have the feedback
from SFTP and security processes to know exactly what's going on
behind the simple "copy" function. All we know is that it doesn't work.
The experts, who know all this stuff inside-out, don't care to share
their knowledge, so far as I can tell. There's probably just one
little twist of knowledge omitted that is keeping us from success.
I guess at some point I have to give up on "copy" and just use the
ssh2_scp_send function.
A big failure for PHP documentation and error messages, which should
both help a programmer achieve success. I did much better than this in
my own systems and tools programming during my 40 year career as a
software engineer.
Thanks, Eric, for all your help.